"It'll be real. They were too confident for it not to be," I bitch, interrupting him.

"Then legally it's hers unless there is a will proving otherwise. If you break in, then you're going to be the one brought to justice, not them. So do this my way, and get your boyfriend's vineyard and winery back. Then I'll handle the bad guys - the real bad guys. Trust me."

"How am I supposed to break into a safe legally?" I hiss.

"You have three codes, right? Pick the right one. I can't say you didn't know for sure what the code already was."

"I have three tries in an endless array of possible combinations. You can't be serious," I screech, looking at him as though he just grew two extra heads.

"Then figure out which numbers meant the most to him," Brody says with a shrug, as though this is a simple task and not an impossible feat. Jerk.

I look toward Dad, but he gives me an I-know-he's-fucking-impossible glare. Great. As if this wasn't going to be hard enough. Now this simple break-in just turned into a full-on con. I'm so screwed.

"So, Paul Colton tells me the vineyard-slash-winery has a major deal going on with Davis Marlone. He's new to money, and he has a daughter getting married. She has pictures plastered all over the web, but you can pass for her if you wear sunglasses, red lipstick, and grab a sexy red wig," he says while looking at his phone. "I'll send you a picture of what kind of hair style to get it."

"That's a lot of info very quickly," I mutter, slightly impressed.

"I work fast, babe. That's how I keep your dad from doing something stupid." He winks, and then returns to reading from his phone. "Marlone is sending his brother, Garret Marlone, who has some pictures on the web, but he looks dangerously close to your father if he dies his hair silver."

Dad grumbles and shakes his head. "Wig."

Brody laughs and rolls his eyes. "Fine. Grab a wig. And grab some cheesy, over-the-top designer suits that poor people think rich people wear, because that's how this guy dresses."

"I actually think I have all that handy," Dad mutters with a casual, one-armed shrug.

Of course he does.

"We need a four man team," Brody says, ignoring the last part my father said. "Two women and two men. We have three out of four. I'll be your loving fiancé, Bradley," he says, grinning at me. "And your Dad will need some hot piece of ass hanging on his arm. We'll need to look like new money."

"Who are we going to get for the fourth person?" I ask, going back to his "four man team" comment.

"Do you have any sexy friends who could stand to earn some extra cash. I'm sure your father could afford to hire an actress." Brody casts a smirk toward my father who grumbles something about the government being cheapskates.

"I know a girl," I say with a grin.

"Good. Call her and fill her in. All she has to do is act enamored by your father."

"How are you planning on us showing up at this meeting instead of the real 'new money' clients?" I ask. I'm almost ashamed of how excited I feel.

"Leave the details to me. Your concern is the will," Brody says, earning a glare from my father.

"I do the details," Dad scoffs, and suddenly they begin bickering about who is in charge. All I can think about is how destroyed Kade must be.

I stare at my phone, uncertain if I should call. I'd be devastated if Courtney was with him. Instead, I text Paul.

Tell Kade not to worry, and keep him away from the vineyard. If he does something stupid, they'll have him arrested.

My phone buzzes almost immediately with a response.

Don't do anything. The FBI contacted me just a few moments ago. These people could be dangerous.

Could be and probably are. That's the only reason I'm okay with Brody going.

I know. Keep him away. He's mad, and he's likely to do something stupid.

It buzzes again, but this time Paul promises to keep his son away. He won't be able to do it for long. I just hope our con works.

With the way Ember is fidgeting beside me, I can't tell if she's nervous or excited. I'm just happy she agreed to do this. Sindell would have been ideal, but the less Brody knows about her existence, the better. She's still in the game, and having a FBI agent around would cramp her style, or land her in prison.