I may not agree with what the rest of my family does, but they're still family. I won't get them locked up.

"So, you're sure the people we're pretending to be aren't going to show up here?" I whisper, acting as though someone can hear me as we drive down the lengthy driveway.

Brody and Dad both chuckle at my paranoia, but Ember doesn't find the humor. This is just another day for the two pros who have been conning cons for a while together. My heart is trying to pound out of my chest and beat out my eyeballs. Ember's whole body is tense beside me.

"Positive," Brody says. "I explained the situation to Paul Colton. I went over there last night after the lawyers called to tell him their servers crashed, and they lost numerous files. And, coincidentally enough, they couldn't find the physical copies of the files either. I was expecting that though. Colton messed up by showing his hand. He shouldn't have told them about the will."

"He didn't know they were pros. He was emotional and completely distraught," I say in Paul's defense.

Brody ignores me as he surveys the landscape, acting like a cop. "Alright," he says as we slow to a stop. "Show time."

Brody climbs out and walks to the back to open my door for me. I'm not sure where he rented the Mercedes, but at least we look wealthy enough. I'm surprised he didn't go more ostentatious with an outrageous canary yellow or candy-apple red Lamborghini. Of course, then we wouldn't have all fit.

"Come on, Sweetheart," Brody teases, pulling my hand in his.

My heart beats faster as the thrill of a real con consumes me. No wonder Dad got hooked. I'm terrified and giddy at the same time.

I see Henrietta, or whoever she really is. She waves at us through the window while keeping a fake smile plastered to her face. The red wig is very firmly attached to my knotted up hair. It's a little jarring to see such a bold color in place of my chocolate locks, and that's with the sunglasses taming down the hue for me.

I'm not accustomed to wearing dresses this short. I've only worn something this revealing a time or two in my life. I feel like I'm walking around in someone else's body right now.

I'm praying no one notices me. Of course, with this brazen choice of red lipstick next to the already scarlet hair, I don't see that as a problem.

"Come in," Henrietta says cheerily, acting as though this is really her home and not the one she stole.

I sound hypocritical for hating her so much right now, since my family is full of cons, but no one has ever done what she has. I still can't believe Thomas ended up married to her. I was so hoping she was making it up, but the certificate was authenticated, just as I feared it would be.

Dad makes our false introductions, while Ember hangs on his arm, looking like a

trashy gold digger who is beyond bored. Good girl.

While he rattles on about the vineyard and the beauty of it, and how we need to discuss where exactly to hold the wedding, Brody stays attentive, smiling and nodding. I scour the scene, trying to find out the best way to make it to the underground cellar without being noticed.

"Would you like to take off your sunglasses, dear?" Henrietta asks, interrupting my plan of escape.

I freeze. I've prepared myself for this. I rehearsed my lines over and over, but the words refuse to escape the moment I'm tested. I'm a terrible con.

"My fiancée has a migraine. Too much of the Kinderton Merlot," Brody says gently, as if he's being sympathetic to my fake migraine.

I'd thank him, but I'm still experiencing stage-fright. Instead, I groan - sounding authentic - and lean against his arm.

"Oh goodness," Henrietta chuckles, making my head actually hurt with her annoying laugh. "Would you two like to sit down in the great room? It has a beautiful view. My lawyer is in there right now."

Shit. She may not recognize me, but Leonard might.

"Actually, can you point us in the direction of a restroom?" Brody asks. "It was a long drive out here."

"Of course. Take the first right down the hall. In the meantime," she says, turning back to my father, "I'll show you the place for the reception."

As Henrietta leads, my father and Ember follow. Brody waits until the clicking heels disappear from sound before he says, "And... action."

An involuntary grin quirks up on my lips, and I stifle a ridiculous giggle as the excited tingles consume me.

"You'd better not even think of making this a habit," he grumbles while tugging my hand, but before we can reach the cellar door, Leonard walks around a corner with Harry, the manager, just barely missing the sight of us before Brody rips me away and back around the corner we just came around.

Brody almost shoves me into a side door that leads to a large stock room full off office supplies and crates.

"Shit," he hisses.