Jay nodded. "Take Ayla, too. I don't want to take the chance of some of this running out on her. Fortunately, my car is proofed."

Tallis took my hand and began leading me through the darkness that still held panicked bystanders. It was hard to think as my phone buzzed.

I used my free hand to read the text, and breathed in relief as I saw that Henry had gotten Amelia out.

When I looked up, we were behind the festival grounds, and Tallis's car was right in front of me.

"Ayla's riding with me," Desmond said as he got into his car.

"You brought vehicles?" I asked, but it was only to break the silence between us.

"Yeah. We thought we might need them in case we had to hurry. Wouldn't want someone seeing something they couldn't understand, so we couldn't have just used our speed."

He opened the door for me, and I took a deep breath while getting in.

"Are you sure you are okay?" he asked as he took the driver's seat.

Physically? Yes. Emotionally? I'm wrecked. I was sure he meant physically.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

I wanted the conversation to continue, but silence descended as he started leading the convoy.

"So, can you do what Jay did with the power lines or would it have hurt you?" I asked.

His half-cocked grin did cruel things to my weak heart.

"It wouldn't have hurt me, but I couldn't have absorbed all of the energy like he did. That's part of being an electric. I could absorb an explosion most likely. Not really sure about that one, though. Right now, he's on an absolute power trip, and I'm sure it doesn't feel too pleasant."

I laughed a little at his intended pun, and his responding smile was rewarding.

"Where're we going?"

"My training grounds. It's pretty secluded. It'll be good for that sort of release."

We pulled up to an abandoned factory. There was a big chain-link fence that wrapped around the entire facility. There were crests all around it, proving it really was a safe spot. Tallis hopped out and opened the fence, before motioning for Jay to drive in.

After returning to the car, we followed him, and Desmond and Ayla followed us.

"All right, Jay. Go crazy. This place is very well proofed," Tallis said while opening the door for me.

I stood close to Tallis as the energy erupted from Jay in an amazing burst. There was so much of it escaping in an epic, bright blue blast.

Tallis snaked his arm around me to pull me back. I had gradually moved toward the expelled energy without even realizing it.

"Whoa. I didn't even know I was moving."

He smiled at me again. Did he not know what that smile was doing to me?

"That's the problem with magic. It's inconceivably intoxicating. You find yourself helplessly captivated before you even realize it. Such a desire to be close to something can often obscure your vision. It's hard to see it when you're the one affected."

The pain in his eyes told me his words weren't to be taken at face value. He wasn't just talking about Jay's power right now; he was referring to our situation. It always came back to this. Just like that, our moment was soured, and I stood there in silence.

As soon as Jay was finished, I jumped in his car. Then Tallis flashed to my side.

He stuck his head in the car, getting too close to me. "I can take you home if you want."

My heart screamed yes, but it wasn't good at protecting itself.