"There's really no need for that. I can just ride with Jay and Ayla. They're going back to the house anyway. It wouldn't make any sense for you to have to go as well."

He frowned slightly. "I really don't mind."

It felt as though a sadistic freak was burrowing a hole straight through my heart. I could say yes, and we could ride together, but he'd freak out and hurt me along the way. Always did. It wasn't worth it. I wasn't strong enough for the hot-and-cold game tonight.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine," I murmured.

Desmond ran up to the side of the car. "Sorry we interrupted your date with the mortal."

Tallis grimaced, not seeming as playful about Trey as he did earlier. I rolled my eyes and spoke with exaggerated exasperation.

"That was so not a date. Poor guy is probably still terrified right now."

Desmond burst out laughing. "Yeah, I saw the nosedive he took when the first wave of bulbs shattered. I bet he had to change his boxers after the second one hit."

I covered my face as the embarrassment rose. "Well, I don't think I have to worry about him even attempting to speak to me again after tonight."

Desmond struggled to speak through his roaring laughter. "I absolutely loved it when he introduced you to Tallis."

I pulled my hands down as Tallis laughed under his breath.

"Yeah. It was a bit awkward."

Desmond's chuckling continued as Jay walked up. "I feel so much better. I'm going to get the girls back to the house."

Tallis and Desmond clapped him on the back and then walked off. I stared out the window as they climbed into their cars.

Tallis looked back at me before he got in, and I quickly jerked my head to the front. It was getting harder and harder to be around him. It was starting to feel like I was misery's new play toy.

I had a feeling I would be continuing the cycle of crying myself to sleep for a while.

Chapter 6

Party Like a Mortal

You can run and hide, but eventually you still have to face your problems.

It had been a while since the festival and someone from school had a party scheduled. No parents were going to be there, and it was supposed to be epic—according to everyone at school.

I decided this time I was going to go and have a good time. I walked up to Amelia and Henry who were standing in the parking lot before school.

"Aria," Amelia said with her perma-grin intact.

Maybe I was a little jealous. But I was also getting worried about her. She and Henry couldn't be together for much longer. He was immortal. She wasn't. That was all there was to it, and it was going to be a bitter battle in the end. I wasn't even sure what he was thinking.

"I want to go to the party they're throwing tonight, and I want you guys to go with me."

Henry looked at me puzzled. "You want to go to the party?" Then he stuck his hand to my forehead as if he was checking for a fever. He continued with uncertainty, "Are you sure?"

I smiled at his playful gesture and replied with light exasperation. "Yes, I'm sure. I want to do something young and mortal whi

le I'm still young and mortal. This time I plan to enjoy it."

"Young and mortal?" Amelia asked, and Henry's eyes widened.

"As opposed to young and dead," I said quickly, making up for my slip. Crap.

Henry laughed uncomfortably, and Amelia gave an uneasy smile. Now I seemed morbid. Great. "I'll try to go, but no promises. I'll see what I can do. My dad should be going bowling as usual, though."