Buford: Well, you'll learn. (to Doc) You know, smithy, I may just take my $80 worth outta her.

Doc struggles again to be let go.

Buford: Woo...ha, ha, ha! Yeah. (to Clara) I bet there's something you can do that's worth $80.

Clara: I'm afraid you've underestimated me, Mr.

Buford: Have I now?

Clara kicks Buford in the shins, and he cringes over with pain as Clara walks away. Doc mangoes to free himself, as the music stops and everyone (including Seamus and Maggie) stops to stare at Doc and Buford.

Doc: Stop it! Damn you, Tannen!

Buford: No, I damn you!

Buford gets his gun out and aims at Doc. Marty realises what's going on and grabs the Frisbee plate.

Buford: (continued) I damn you to hell!

Buford fires his one bullet. At the same time, Marty throws the Frisbee plate - well, like a Frisbee! It blocks the bullet and Doc is saved! He's a bit stunned and his hat falls off. Buford looks around to see who threw the plate. He spots Marty.

Buford: You!

Marty walks towards him.

Marty: Hey, lighten up, jerk!

Confused as to what Marty means, Buford turns to his gang members who are equally confused. He then turns back to Marty.

Buford: Mighty strong words, runt! You man enough to back that up with more than just a pie plate?!

Marty: Look, just leave my friends alone.

Marty starts walking away.

Buford: What's wrong, dude, you yella?

Marty pauses and slowly turns to face Buford

Buford: That's what I thought. Yellow belly.

Marty points at Buford.

Marty: Nobody...calls me yellow.

Buford: Let's finish it. Right now.

Gang Member 1: Uh, not now, Buford. Marshall's got our guns.

Buford: Well, like I said, we'll finish this tomorrow.

Gang Member 2: Tomorrow we're robbing the Pine City Stage.

Buford turns to his gang.

Buford: How 'bout Monday? We doing anything on Monday?

The gang members check with each other then nod their heads.