Gang Member 3: No, Monday be fine. You can kill him on Monday.

Buford turns back to Marty.

Buford: I'll be back this way on Monday. We'll settle this then. (pointing) Right there out in the street, in front of the Palace Saloon.

Marty is a little uncomfortable with this.

Marty: Yeah, right, well, when? High noon?

Buford: Noon? I do my killing before breakfast. 7 o'clock!

Marty: 8 o'clock. (more confidently) I do my killing after breakfast.

Doc: (whispering, concerned) Marty, no.

He notices Clara looking at them and smiles at her instead. In the crowd, William McFly (in Maggie's arms) begins to cry. After a long silence, Marshall Strickland arrives with his rifle.

Marshall Strickland: All right now, break it up. What's all this about? You causing trouble here, Tannen?

Buford: No trouble, Marshall. Just a little personal matter between me and Eastwood. This don't concern the law.

Marshall Strickland: Tonight everything concerns the law - now break it up. Any brawling, there's 15 days in the county jail.

He lowers his rifle and talks to the crowd.

Marshall Strickland: Come on, this is a party! Come on, let's have some fun!

The music starts playing again and the dancing resumes. Buford goes to Marty.

Buford: 8 o'clock. Monday. You ain't here, I'll hunt you and shoot you down like a duck.

Gang Member 1: It's dog, Buford. Shoot 'im down like a dog.

Buford is upset that everyone has seen his stupidity.

Buford: Let's go, boys! Let these sissies have their party!

They leave and Doc talks to Marty.

Doc: Marty, what are you doing, saying you're going to meet Tannen??

Marty: Doc, don't worry about it! Monday morning, 8am. We're gonna be gone, right?

Doc: Theoretically, yes, but what if the train's late?


hasn't thought of this.

Marty: Late??

Clara arrives at Doc's side again.

Doc: We'll discuss this later.

Marty: No, we'll discuss this now - late?

Clara: Thank you for your gallantry, Mr Eastwood.