He shrugged. ‘Before I met you, I’d only ever heard that name in a spy movie.’

‘And you think she’s sexy?’

‘Extremely, and also hugely underestimated.’

‘I agree with you there. But she was often overlooked in favour of sexier, in-your-face female leads; she was also the one who never got her guy.’

Sakis drew closer and traced his lips along the line of her shoulder. ‘Well, I think we’ve remedied that tonight. Plus, she had astonishing staying power. Just like you. No one in their right mind would overlook you, Moneypenny, even though you try to hide it with that hypnotic swan-glide.’

She laughed. ‘Swan glide?’

‘Outwardly, you’re serene, so damned efficient, and yet below you’re paddling madly. Watching you juggle virtual balls is damned sexy.’

‘Damn; and there I thought no one could see the mad paddling underneath.’

‘Sometimes, there’s just a little ruffle. Like when I misbehave and you itch to put me in my place.’

‘So you know you’re misbehaving? Acceptance is the first step, I suppose.’

She shivered as he rocked his hips forward in a blatantly masculine move that had her moaning. But then he pulled out of her a second later and flipped her to face him. ‘Like all men in my position, I live to push the boundaries. But I get that I need an anchor sometimes. You’re my anchor, Brianna.’ He spoke with a low but fierce intensity that made tears prickle behind her eyes.


He kissed her, a slow, luxurious exploration that soon became something else, something more. She wanted to protest when he lifted his head. ‘Hold that thought; I need to change condoms. Bathroom?’

She pointed and watched him head towards her tiny bathroom, her eyes glued to his toned, chiselled physique. The thought that she was about to make love with this virile, sexy man again made her tremble so hard, she clutched the pillow.

But, alone, dread began to creep in. She’d gone beyond what the hell am I doing? Now she had to deal with what the hell am I going to do?

Sakis might not have meant to but tonight he’d revealed just how much he treasured and respected her. How ironic that, just when she could’ve felt secure in the knowledge that her job was safe, that she didn’t need to prove herself as the invaluable asset in Sakis’s life, she would have to walk away.

Because there really was no choice. She would never betray Sakis the way he’d been betrayed before. As for Greg, he deserved to burn in hell.

She toyed with confessing but brushed it away. Now she understood just what he’d been through with his father, she couldn’t bear for him to look at her and see another fraud, someone who’d failed to reveal the whole truth about her past.

Her only option would be to resign and find herself another job somewhere far away, perhaps in another country even, where neither Greg’s vile threats or Sakis’s condemnation would touch her.

A deep pool of sadness welled up inside her, bringing with it a sharp pain that made her groan and bury her face in the pillow.

She jumped when a warm hand caressed her back.

‘Should I be offended that you were so far away you’d forgotten I exist?’

Composing herself, she turned to face him. God, he was gorgeous, even with the shadows of the past few days’ stress lurking in his eyes. Perhaps that was what made him even more breath-taking—the fact that, despite being the ruthless entrepreneur feared by most competitors, he still had a caring heart.

Unable to stop herself, she reached for him and glided her hand over his warm, sculpted chest to draw him closer. ‘I hadn’t forgotten. I always know when you’re near, Sakis. Always.’

His eyes darkened as he stretched out beside her and took her mouth in a long, deep kiss. ‘I can’t believe I waited this long to make you mine.’

The stamp of possessiveness in his voice made her heart jump in thrilling delight even though deep down she knew it was a futile reaction. She would never be truly his because this wouldn’t last beyond the week. She pushed the disturbing thoughts away.

‘Even though I was sweet enough, but nothing to lose your head over?’ She quoted his words back at him and watched a shamefaced look cross his features.

He cursed under his breath. ‘I think we both know that was a blatant lie.’

‘What was the truth then?’

His lips drifted lazily over hers but she wasn’t fooled that it was a casual caress. Against her thigh his re-energised erection pulsed with urgent demand, eliciting an electrifying reaction inside her body.