‘The truth was that I wanted nothing more than to throw you on the nearest gym mat and take you until you couldn’t speak. What would you have done if I’d said that, instead of the lame excuse I came up with?’

She leaned up and caught his earlobe in a saucy bite. ‘I’d have said bring it on.’

The tremor that went through him preceded a guttural curse as he surged over her and proceeded to claim her in the most elemental way possible.

Within seconds, he had her on the knife-edge of need, a need so visceral she didn’t know whether to beg for mercy or to beg him never to stop.

‘S...Sakis...please,’ she begged as he roughly tongued one nipple.

‘I love the sound of my name on your lips. Say it again,’ he murmured against her skin, his gaze rising to capture hers.

She shook her head in silent denial. A fiercely determined light entered his eyes and her heart sank.

He tugged on her engorged nub. ‘Say my name, Brianna.’

‘Why?’ she asked defiantly.

‘Because there’s something potent and infinitely sexy about you crying out my name in the heat of passion.’

‘But it sounds... It feels...’

‘Too intimate?’ He continued the erotic path between her breasts, his gaze never leaving hers as she nodded. ‘It makes it all the more intense, no?’

Firm hands parted her thighs and one thumb lazily stroked her.

‘Yes.’ She sucked in a jagged breath as arousal spiked her blood with drugging pleasure. Her lids grew heavy and her back arched off the bed as the pressure escalated.

‘That’s it; lose yourself in it, Brianna...’

The lazy, continental drawl of her name had the right effect. Liquid heat oozed through her, making her limbs grow heavy and weak. ‘Oh God.’

‘Wrong deity,’ he said on a low laugh. The sound grazed over her, adding another dimension to the emotions bombarding her. Teeth bit her inner thigh; his warm tongue immediately soothed the bite, then proceeded to draw in ever closer circles to where his thumb wrecked mindless chaos.

Pleasure roared through her, eliciting the exact response she knew he wanted.

Sakis. The name echoed through her, over and over, seeking release. Sakis.

Her skin tightened as her climax grew closer. His tongue lapped her once, twice.

At the outer reaches of her mind, she heard a tearing sound.


His thumb left her clitoris and was replaced immediately by his tongue. Brianna shut her eyes on a long, keening moan that was ripped from the depths of her soul.

Dear Lord, she was going to come like she never had before. She reached out, intending to grip the sheets, and instead encountered hot, muscled flesh.

Her eyes flew open just as he reared above her and plunged, hot, stiff and deep inside her.


‘Yes! Theos, you look so hot like that.’

She repeated his name in a strangled litany as the most forceful orgasm she’d ever had laid her to waste. Through it all he kept up the rhythm, his groans of pleasure prolonging hers, so she milked him with her muscles.

‘Brianna, eros mou.’ He fell onto his elbows and plunged his fingers into her hair, holding her down as he plundered her mouth with his. ‘You’re incredible,’ he breathed against her lips as he surged deeper inside her. ‘I can’t get enough of you.’

His fingers tightened in her hair as his mouth drifted over her jaw to her neck. His breath grew harsh, his body momentarily losing its steady rhythm as waves of pleasure washed over them.