“Is it?” Josh asked.

Will nodded. “Only it’s mostly blue.”

“Because your mum’s favorite color is blue,” Josh added.

“Yep.” Josh was looking at Will with obvious affection. Will smiled broadly in return. “Want to keep going?”

Josh nodded. “I saw my dragon over the next hill.”

They ran on ahead, holding hands and charging down the hill and up the next. The rain picked up a bit, but they trudged on, splashing through rain puddles in sturdy galoshes. I followed, content to watch. Will was giggling as Josh splashed him. Will jumped next, splattering a fine spray of mud over Josh’s jeans. Will stared up at Josh, momentarily horrified. Josh burst out laughing and ruffled Will’s hair before pulling him up the rest of the hill.

When they reached the top, Will took Josh’s hand in both of his. Everything about him grew perfectly still. Josh turned to me, a huge smile on his face. He knelt beside Will and pointed, saying something softly to the boy. Will was like a little statue, transfixed by whatever he saw.

I hurried in spite of myself, running to reach them at the top of the hill. And I froze too.

The tip of a green tail, iridescent and reflective under the white-gray sky, was disappearing slowly into the forest. Its scales, oval and regulated, flexed as it flicked once. Then it was gone, swallowed by the trees.

I didn’t know what to say. I stared at Josh, amazed by the excited pleasure on his face as he regarded Will. He’d done this. Somehow, he’d given Will his dragon.

I too stared down at my son. His eyes were round, staring at the trees in wonder. “Will?” I whispered, watching his amazement.

As if waking from a trance, he turned his bright eyes toward Josh. “It was a dragon, wasn’t it?” His voice was hushed, awestruck.

Josh’s smile seemed to grow brighter, if possible, making my knees a bit wobbly. “What do you think, Will?”

Will stared back at the forest, considering the question. Josh’s eyes met mine, held mine. My heart thumped and I moved to him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. His arms caught me to him, his eyes still burning into mine.

“Thank you,” I whispered ever so softly.

“It was a dragon,” Will said, his little face serious and considering.

Josh nodded. “The same dragon I saw, I bet. They live for years and years, or so my father tells me. He was a dragon hunter too when he was a boy.”

“Has he seen this dragon, Josh?”

“I’m not sure. This was his family’s cottage when he was a boy, so I suppose it’s possible.”

The sky rumbled ominously. “I say we go find out,” I offered.

Will stared back at the forest. “Okay. Let’s go.” He turned and ran down the hill, a peal of laughter rising up behind him.

“Is he happy?” Josh asked.

I stared at him with astounded eyes. “Do you need to ask?”

His hand caressed my cheek, pushing the hair from my shoulder. “Are you happy?”

“I’ve never been happier than I am right now.”

His face grew flushed and he kissed me tenderly.

“Aw, come on, Josh. You can kiss Mom later.”

Josh laughed against my lips. “I look forward to it.” And he ran down the hill after Will. Will squealed and started running again.


“It was huge and green.” Will was still bouncing with excitement.