“It had some blue and brown too,” I added.

Natalie and Helen looked at me doubtfully.

“Yeah, and some gray. It sparkled a little, too.” Will took another bite of his roast. “Mr. Wiley, this is the best roast I’ve ever had.”

My mother scowled at her plate, chewing her food rather aggressively. “It is delicious.”

Nathan stared at the top of my mother’s head with an odd expression. I decided not to try to decipher it and turned back to the quizzical faces of Natalie and Helen.

“Find anything in the shops?” Josh asked.

Natalie pulled out a newspaper, smiling and pointing. “This.” It was a picture of me and Josh in the elevator. I felt my cheeks growing warm.

“You make a fetching couple.” Nathan nodded. “It was in the Mail, too. Interesting article.”

Josh took the paper and stared at the picture, a small smile on his lips. “It is a good shot.” I shook my head.

“Mom, you’re going to have to get used to this kind of thing. I mean, you are dating the most eligible movie star on the planet.” Natalie shook her head. “Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Lautner aside, that is.”

Josh stared at Natalie. “Should I be offended?”

“No. You’re just right. For Mom.”

Nathan laughed. “Well said, Natalie.”

Will looked at the picture, chewing his roast. “Why are your cheeks all red?”

I felt my cheeks growing hot once more, but Josh saved the day again. “They surprised us, Will. And it was a bit of a shock.” He smiled.

Will handed the paper back to Natalie. “Can I have some more beans, please?”

“You want seconds? You want more beans?” My mother was on the verge of a meltdown.

“They’re good,” Will said simply.

Dinner ended without Mom doing anything more than leveling lethal stares at Nathan, while Nathan continued to regard her with an inscrutable expression. The girls did most of the talking, though Will did interrupt now and then to ask for more food or mention the dragon.

After dinner, we moved into the sitting room. Grams and Will played checkers while Natalie and Helen played chess. Nathan found a book and sat in the recliner to relax.

Josh delighted me by singing one of his songs to me, playing the piano that had been covered by a large white dust cover. Helen played too, her fingers flying across the keys with grace. I knew I wasn’t the only one who was saddened to realize that our time was almost up. One more day and then we had to go back. And that was something I didn’t want to contemplate.

I volunteered to wash dishes. Mom and Nathan had decided to play chess. The room was so charged with competitiveness that Helen and Natalie de

cided to give Will his bath and put him to bed. An occasional squeal would emerge from the bathroom, then a shout and some laughter. Silence followed. I smiled, washing the dishes and placing them on the dish rack. I felt very peaceful.

Josh’s arms came around me from behind, his nose against my neck. “I feel very fortunate,” he murmured.

I looked at him over my shoulder, the smile that covered my face beyond my control. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

He turned me to him, pulling my soapy hands around his neck as he bent to kiss me. My wet hands pulled him to me, relishing the feel of his lips on mine. The kiss elevated quickly, an electric current crackling between the two of us. He pulled away reluctantly, his cheeks flushed, with a short laugh. “Let me finish while you put the rascal to bed. I’ll put on the kettle?”

I smiled and nodded, taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart. I went up to find Helen and Natalie settled on my bed with a freshly-scrubbed Will propped up on a pile of pillows. He was attentively listening to Helen reading. She stopped when I came in the room, asking, “Can I put him to bed tonight, Claire?”

I smiled at her and nodded. “Kisses,” I told Will, catching him as he leapt from the bed to deliver a wet smack of a kiss.

“Night, Mom. I love you.” Will giggled as I gave his cheek a butterfly kiss.

“Night, Will.” I dropped a kiss on his head and deposited him back on the bed, smoothing the blankets over him with a smile. “Lights off as soon as Helen finishes, okay?”