I unlocked the door and flipped on the light, heading through the kitchen to the office. But something moved, catching my attention.


I stared at Daniel, the shock overwhelming the fear. How is he here? He was supposed to be in India. Or England. Not here, in the kitchen.

He sat at the kitchen counter, the newspaper spread out before him as if it were any normal day. “Home?”

I stared at him, unsure of what to do or say. My palms were clammy as I leaned heavily against the countertop in an effort to brace myself. I had to keep my cool. And I needed to get out of there.

He looked at me, his eyes shuttered and cold. “Just you?”

I felt my hands trembling a little, but ignored them. “Yes.” Thank God the kids were safely at the airport, waiting with Josh and Mom to board their flight to Los Angeles.

His eyes didn’t waver. “Where are the kids?”

“With Mom.” I stood a little straighter. Acting frightened wouldn’t help things. “I’m actually running late for a meeting…”

Daniel stood and I glanced around, stalling. I couldn’t get to the door; he was blocking my path. I had to buy some time, shift things so that I stood a chance of getting out of there without him getting ahold of me.

I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water slowly. I took a deep breath as I closed the door, knowing he would be standing there when it shut. He was. I tried not to meet his eyes, tried to keep some sort of distance between us. I had to appear impartial, unafraid of him, no matter how I was feeling on the inside.

He moved a little closer. “What meeting?”


took a few steps back, making sure I wasn’t backing myself into a corner. I paused, opened my bottle of water and took a long sip. “I’m getting published.” I sounded calm, thank God. I didn’t think he could hear the telltale banging of my heart. “I’m going over the contract.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’re getting published?” He shook his head then sighed. “One of your romances?”

I shrugged in a way I hoped was noncommittal.

His eyebrows rose suddenly. “That’s pretty big, huh? Congratulations!” He smiled, but didn’t make any move to hug me or touch me. He just stared, making me more nervous. “I didn’t think you had it in you. It’s nice to be proven wrong.”

I held myself rigid, only half listening to his words. “Thanks.”

“Claire.” He cocked his head, taking a deep breath. “I’m glad you’re here. Let’s talk.” He pulled one of the kitchen chairs out for me.

I stared at the chair. He was being reasonable, for the moment. I had to try. “Give me a minute, please. I have to find the paperwork.” I went into the study before he could stop me. I tried to find my phone, rifling quickly through my large purse with mounting frustration.

He was walking to the study door. “I think I’ve managed to get everything out of the house. I saw the sign in the yard. You’re right. We should sell, so we can start over someplace neutral.”

Where is my phone?

My heart was pounding, making my ears ring. I sat at my desk, flipping through the papers in the drawer until I found the manila envelope Regina needed. I slid it into my purse and wiped my palms on my thighs. I stood, staring at the mirror on the wall. Photos of the kids were stuck around the edge, reminding me that they weren’t here.

They were safe. But I wasn’t.

I fumbled through the purse again, barely keeping the panic at bay. No phone. And the only house phone was in the kitchen.

I took a steadying breath and went back into the kitchen. I moved quickly, making my way to the door without hesitating.

But his hand caught my wrist. His bright blue eyes flitted over my face. “We’re going to talk.”

I tried to twist my wrist from his hold as I spoke. “I’ve got to go. Regina’s expecting me.”

He shook his head. “She can wait. This is important. I realized something while I was cleaning my stuff out. Everything’s not in one place. You’re here, the kids are God knows where, and I’m in an apartment, alone.” His tone didn’t fluctuate as he spoke but he turned away suddenly, letting go of me.

I tried to sidestep closer to the door, but he stepped in front of me, blocking my path. I froze.