I nodded. “Or you could go to LA with Josh.”

My mother was watching us with interest. “How long will this meeting take?”

“I plan on catching up with you this evening.” I tried to look relaxed. I had no idea if I was successful or not.

Josh came to stand before me, speaking softly. “I have the keys to Shannon’s place. We’ll have dinner waiting for you when you get home.”

Home? He’d have dinner waiting for me, with the kids, at home? I really liked the sound of that. I looked up at him and smiled, noting the sparkle in his eyes. “Mom? What would you like to do?”

My mother gave me a slightly guilty smile. “Joe’s apartment is so small, Claire.”

“Okay,” I relented, smiling at Josh as his face lit up. Somehow his smile made things easier.

Nat’s voice interrupted us. “You can’t go anywhere without being stalked, can you, Josh?” She’d turned on the TV and found an entertainment show. Josh was on the TV, the reporter recounting Stellar Siege and his rise to fame.

He returned to his spot on the carpet. “There weren’t that many last night, really.” He turned back to his game with Will, undisturbed.

Nat, Mom, and I peered at the TV, watching him coming and going from several late night hot spots. The consensus was that he was out living up the single life. “When asked where new gal pal Claire Collins was, Josh answered, ‘She’s having a night with the kids.’ Josh Wiley a dad? Oh please. At least we know he’s on the market again, girls.”

I laughed at the announcer, looking back over my shoulder at him sprawled amongst a pile of pillows with Will playing checkers. If they could only see him now.

Natalie shook her head. “I know that’s their job, making up stories, but it is kind of rude. I mean, you should be able to hang out with your friends without everyone thinking you and Mom broke up.”

Josh peered around the corner of the chair at Natalie, making her laugh aloud before he spoke sincerely. “You’re right, it is their job. You’ll know what’s true and what’s not. The rest you should ignore. According to some papers, I’m actually a woman.”

Natalie burst out laughing again. “Riiight.”

“No worrying over that,” he affirmed, smiling.

I watched him as he spoke to my daughter. It thrilled me to see how close they were already.

“Besides, he’s a good dad,” Will added.

Josh smiled broadly, clearly delighted by Will’s unintentional compliment. For Will, Josh being a dad was a fact. Josh grabbed Will in a hug, the two of them falling back onto the pallet of pillows they’d set up on the floor. They laughed, then went back to their game.

My heart felt a little heavier and I looked at the clock. No more unknowns. I wanted to get on with the rest of my life.


It was hot. But then Texas usually was.

Our flight had been uneventful. Will and Natalie were all ears as Josh told them all about the sights of Hollywood.

“You’re going to become world travelers in no time,” I said.

“I’m not complaining.” Natalie nudged me. “I think I could get used to it.”

Will shrugged. “I want to go back to England. There aren’t any dragons here.”

Josh ruffled Will’s hair. “Seeing that dragon was special. I’ve lived there my whole life but seeing it with you was only the second time I’d found one.”

Will thought about this then said, “I guess the dragon likes you.”

Josh had laughed. “Possibly.”

When we landed, I said quick goodbyes and left them to make their connecting flight to LA. I didn’t want to linger. The sooner I met with Regina, the sooner I’d have a course of action.

My car was still in long-term parking and I was on the road home in no time. It took almost an hour before I pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition. I had about twenty minutes to find the papers Regina wanted and make it to her office.