"I just need someone to talk to so I can calm down," I said. "You don’t have to come all the way over here. My place is locked tight."

"I’m coming anyway."

I did want him here. I needed company and I guess that was why I called him in the first place. Fifteen minutes later he drove into my driveway. I had had to explain to Daniel why I had Michael’s dog. He accepted it better than Jacob had.

"Whoever it was, he must be brazen."

"What do you mean, Daniel?"

"I mean if he is stalking you in daylight, he isn’t worried about being seen. He knows how to keep in the shadows. Maybe Thor is helping to keep him away, but one day, you might be alone and then what?"

I gulped. "Then that means I’m not safe from him no matter where I am."

"You have to go to the police, Laila, and report this. At least they can cruise by a little more often and check things out."

That was good advice.

When Daniel left, I hurried to double-bolt my doors. He had checked all the windows and found them to be secure. He offered to sleep on the couch but I knew he was on call that night. I reminded him I had Thor for protection. He had glanced at the dog and nodded his approval.

Chapter Twenty

The morning brought clouds that threatened possible rain. The sky clinched whether I walked or drove to work that day. Thor happily jumped into my car.

"Looks like we can get a walk in before it rains," I said to Thor when I parked at Roasted Love.

The coffee house was dark which told me Janie had not arrived yet. Thor, without the leash holding him back, bounded forward. Realizing I lagged behind him, he waited until I caught up. We walked two blocks and turned back toward Roasted Love. A few yards before arriving Thor stood still and growled. Again I tried to find who or what had changed his mood. A shadowed figure emerged from around the corner. My eyes met James Simms.

I didn’t tell Thor to stay back but quickly leashed him and held him as he tugged. James decided to edge closer.

"What are you doing in this neighborhood so early in the morning?" I asked him.

Thor gave me more courage than I dreamed I had.

"Isn’t that Thor? What are you doing with that dog?" he countered. "That monster should be put down. He’s dangerous."

"The only time he is dangerous is if he doesn’t like someone."

The Senator didn’t speak nor did he approach closer.

"I can’t figure out why you took him. Did Michael leave him to you?" asked James.

"Someone had to take care of him. We get along very well."

My annoyance with his attitude toward my dog showed itself in the scowl on my face. It didn’t deter James.

"I’ll take him to a shelter for you. Just hand me the leash."

No words came to mind right away, and so I just stared at him. Thor’s humming low growl said he didn’t agree with James either.

"Maybe you didn’t hear me. Thor is mine," I said. "Now I have to get to the coffee house and open up."

Questions I wanted to ask the Senator ran through my mind but I had to talk with Janie again before I asked them. Besides, meeting James so early in the morning rattled me. What a way to start the day.

With resolution, I continued to walk forward. One look at Thor and James crossed the street to Sunrise. The last I saw him he was inserting a key in the lock on the door. Had he been expecting Janie? He must have thought she would follow her usual pattern and be alone. I was sure of that. As soon as she arrived I vowed to get to the bottom of her connection with Michael’s brother. That had to be done even if it meant we opened later than usual.

I watched out the front window as I started to prepare the front for business. I had my eye on Sunrise until I saw James reappear outside. He walked away just as Janie came in the back door. I went to the kitchen and met her.

"Before you get started, I want to know your connection with James Simms," I demanded. I was running out of time before Jacob's case went to court and I was tired of being in the dark about this whole case. Plus, I hated disloyal people. Janie, dark shadows under her eyes, didn't seem shocked by my forwardness. She shook her head.