"I did a background check on Janie and Lily both. I had references and both of them had good ones. I don’t know much about Lily’s son, Eddie, but he seems like a good kid. After all, he is her son. I don’t think she would have brought him on board, even part-time, if she had any doubts to his honesty."

"There’s more," I said. I lowered my voice though only one other inmate had a visitor. They sat at the other end of the room. The guard was making eyes at a female guard on the other side of the glass window. "James Simms has been coming into Roasted Love on occasion. He was there the other day and I heard him tell someone that Sunrise had been left to Marianne Andrews by Michael. She wanted him to get a realtor in to sell it. A realtor showed it the day James was in the coffee house."

"I don’t think I’ve ever seen James Simms on the Piazza in all the time Michael had Sunrise."

I brushed over his comment. I told Jacob about finding stuff that belonged to Michael in a sack on the ground. "It was by our trash bin, not Sunrise’s." I told him about the photo and the envelopes. "I plan to ask Daniel to find someone to test the envelopes for any evidence."

"What kind of evidence?"

"I don’t know but something may be on them that will help."

I glanced at my watch. I had only about ten minutes left before Jacob would be taken back to his cell. I told him about showing the photo to James and his reaction. I spilled the information about his short and angry conversation with Janie on his way out of Roasted Love.

My time was up and the guard reluctantly left his view to escort Jacob back to his cell. Before he did so, I told Jacob these were all things I wanted him to think about. As he walked away, I remembered to ask him quickly about hiring another employee. He nodded yes and waved to me over his shoulder.

I hurried back to work. Thor managed a reproachful whine. I decided a quick walk up and down the alley a couple of times would make him happy again. Then I got back to work.

Several customers were there sipping cappuccinos and frappes. Janie wiped a table and went to the register to gather her receipts. She handed them to me without a word. Lily was busy taking an order. I tried to

make small talk with Janie. She answered but didn’t elaborate on anything as she usually did. She seemed in a hurry to get to the time clock.

"I checked with Jacob. He said it was o.k. that we put the notice up asking for extra help," I told Lily.

When I told Lily to do that, she seemed excited to say the least. Relief evident, I felt I had at least made one server happy. We chatted like we used to do before the murder of the owner of Sunrise. It gave me a good feeling to relax for a few minutes once again.

Later, we closed together and walked outside. The air felt crisp and Thor pulled at the leash. I unhooked him and let him run free for a few minutes.

"I can’t get over how you’ve taken to that dog, Laila," said Lily.

"I know. It’s hard to believe he almost tore me apart not so long ago."

As Thor and I walked home, several of my neighbors were parking their cars as they arrived home from work. We greeted with waves. Without warning, Thor growled in the now familiar threatening way. My eyes skirted the street and lawns looking for his target. No one was in sight that I could see. I hurried to the door. Thor held back and turned for a last menacing growl.

"What’s wrong, boy?"

My legs were turning to jello. My dog was more astute than I was. He could sense someone he didn’t trust a mile away. The maples and elms were still leaf-laden and dipped low to the ground in some spots. I wanted whoever stalked me to just show himself and get it over with.

With a tug, Thor finally came inside with me. I quickly double-bolted the door and leaned against it. My breath, uneven, became hard to control. Thor knew I was afraid. He sidled closer as if to say ‘don’t worry, Laila Rook, I’ll take care of him for you.’

I decided that was the last day I would walk home after work for a while. The days were getting shorter. Getting home after dark never bothered me before. Now I saw phantom stalkers everywhere. Even the jail where Jacob was being held was close enough to work that I could easily walk it, but I think I'll forego that, too, for now.

"You know, Thor, maybe I should keep walking. I shouldn’t let someone else decide my routine."

Thor licked my hand, agreeing with me. I put him out back and looked again in my refrigerator hoping for a fully cooked meal to be waiting to be warmed up. It wasn’t there, but deli turkey and a variety of several cheese slices were. I reached for potato chips and a paper plate. Settled on the patio, I munched away. I was a little anxious about my stalker possibly showing up in the back yard. I had Thor there and so far no growls came from him, so once again I was lost in my thoughts. I wadded up the paper napkin and folded the plate over it. I tossed it all into the trash can at the edge of the outside wall and closed the lid tight.

I reached for the door just as a raging bark from Thor came from behind me. My heart jumped to my throat and stayed there.

"Who’s out there?"

The quiver in my voice failed to make the demand come out with authority. Thor waited. His low growl continued to hum but he stayed by my side. Silence enfolded the small yard. In a few minutes the last of the day’s sun would sink to a final dip and then darkness.

Dialing 911 would have been anyone’s answer at this point. I didn’t do that because it would prove useless. I was sure no one would be there by the time the police arrived. I jerked Thor’s collar with my hand and commanded him inside with me. He didn’t like that I had interrupted his duty to protect me.

I called Daniel. When he heard my voice, he said, "What’s wrong, Laila? You sound scared to death."

I told him about my experiences since arriving home from work.

"I’m coming right over there," he said.