“Right,” I agreed as Mitch turned to greet Rory with a warm smile and brief embrace.

I watched them carefully, looking for signs of longing or regret, but the hug was over before it began, and Rory was at my side a second later. He snatched the case of beer from me and asked our host where he wanted it.

“Evan put the cooler outside. We’re still waiting on a couple of people before we start grilling, but Derek and Gabe and Chelsea are here and…”

Mitch walked ahead of us, giving a breakdown of the guest list as he headed through the living room to the adjoining kitchen and the wide, sliding glass door leading outside. The house was tastefully decorated with midcentury modern touches and bright colors I knew were all Mitch. On a good day, Evan was happy his socks matched, I mused as we stepped onto the wood deck.

I scanned the yard for familiar faces. Mitch’s best friend, Chelsea, was chatting with a couple of girls at the outdoor table under a red umbrella. I spotted Evan’s friend, Derek and his boyfriend, Gabe, near the grill, talking to Evan. There were a few others I didn’t know but sort of recognized from previous get-togethers. I had an automatic sense of being in friendly territory with good people. Everyone was roughly my age or a couple of years older, going through similar experiences, navigating the final year of college, or embarking on life as a recent graduate. I was suddenly very glad to be there.

Rory headed for the grill and greeted Evan with a one-armed bro hug. He stepped aside to give me room to do the same, then handed the case of beer to Mitch.

“I’ll put these in the cooler and bring you cold ones,” Mitch said. “Anyone else need another?”

“I do. Thanks, baby.” Evan gave his empty bottle to his boyfriend as he drew him against his side and kissed his cheek.

“No, we just got one. Thanks,” Derek said, lifting his beer bottle as proof before turning to me with a smile. “How’s it goin’, man?”

“Good. What are you guys up to these days?” I asked, casting my gaze between Derek and Gabe.

They were a hot couple. No other way to say it. They’d met on the water polo team at Long Beach State. They were both tall and lean with toned swimmers’ physiques. Derek looked like a typical California kid with blond hair and golden skin, while Gabe had dark hair and eyes and olive skin. They came out last year, just days before Evan. It was a mind-blowing week, for sure. But now, it seemed so natural. Derek and Gabe fit, the same way Mitch and Evan did.

“I’m a couple of months into culinary school and I’m working at that new French bistro on 2nd Street. It’s insanely busy, but I love it,” Derek said with a wide grin before snaking his arm around Gabe’s waist. “And this guy is still studying for exams, like you.”

Gabe groaned. “I’m so over the school part. I’m glad I took five years to get it all done, but it’ll be nice to graduate next spring and spend more time in the pool.”

“How’s the Olympic training going?” Rory asked.

“Great,” Gabe replied enthusiastically before launching into a rundown of his daily workouts with the national squad and his chances for winning a place on the team at the next summer Olympics.

We stood in an easy circle for a while, catching up and commiserating about transitioning into grown-up mode.

“Finding a job I actually want is harder than I thought. I got an offer from a finance company in LA last week. The money is great but I’m not ready to have my soul sucked from my body just yet,” Rory groused.

“You didn’t tell me,” I said softly.

“I know. I just…wanted to think about it first.”

Gabe, Derek, and Evan shuffled to make room for Mitch when he joined our circle. Rory and I stood closer now, kind of like the others were, except they were established couples. I wondered if Mitch knew something was up. He cast a curious look between us as he handed us beers. Then he cuddled up to Evan and rested his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder.

“What do you want to do?” Mitch asked.

“I think I want to teach,” Rory replied right away.

“You do?” I cocked my head curiously.

“Yeah. I looked up the info on certifications for substitute teaching. I want to see if I like it before I apply to graduate school, but…yeah, I think I might be good at it.”

I nodded in agreement, then impulsively hugged him. “You’d be amazing. Really fucking amazing.”

Rory slipped his arm around me and returned my smile. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. The silent communication was more than enough. It voiced pride, appreciation, encouragement, and yes…affection. And everyone in that circle knew it.