Was I out now? Did I care? I hadn’t intended to come out necessarily, but this felt right somehow. No one here would judge us. This might be a perfect place to admit I had more in common with these guys than friendship, age, and athleticism.

“I’m gay,” I blurted in a decidedly uncool rush. “Weird timing, I know, but I figured I could tell you guys and, um…yeah.”

My announcement was met with surprised silence, then a celebratory whoop and a round of high fives, hugs, and congrats. We earned a few curious glances from the opposite end of the yard, but no one jumped up to see what the fuss was about. And I immediately realized I wanted to keep it that way for now. I mentioned it to my friends.

“No worries, Christian. Take your time,” Mitch said with an indulgent grin.

“I gotta say, I’m surprised, but…you two sort of fit. How long have you been together?” Evan asked.

“Um, it’s recent,” I replied vaguely.

“Gotcha.” Evan patted my shoulder, then slugged Rory’s bicep in a show of bro affection before declaring he needed to start grilling.

When our little group dispersed, Rory pulled me under an overgrown lemon tree partially hidden from the house. He glanced over his shoulder to see if anyone was looking before backing me against the trunk. Then he held my face, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs before leaning in to press his lips to mine.

I blinked when he pulled away. Stars and fireworks danced in my periphery. I felt alive and free and part of everything around me in a way I never had. Because of Rory. I wasn’t sure how to thank him, though, or if it was even appropriate. So I stared at him like an idiot and pulled him close, so he rested his forehead on mine.

“Did you mean to do that?” he whispered.

“No. But it felt good. Freeing. You know, that’s only the second time I’ve ever said those words out loud.”

“Say it again.”

“I’m gay.”

“I’m glad.” Rory kissed my nose and then my lips. “Very glad.”

“When were you going to tell me you decided to teach?”

“Tonight, tomorrow…I don’t know. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”

“You’re a natural. You’re patient and fun, but you don’t take any shit. And you’re the smartest guy I’ve ever met,” I gushed.

“Aww, now why do I think you’re trying to get in my pants?”

I chuckled as I looped my arms over his shoulders. “ ’Cause I am. Want to know something crazy?”


“I want to be like you when I grow up. Except I want to coach.”

Rory pulled back and squinted as if to see if I was serious. “Really?”

“Yes. I love football. I can’t play forever, but I want to find a way to stay on the field.”

“Then do it. You can be anything you want to be, Christian. No limits, no boxes. If you want it, go for it.”

I nodded thoughtfully then bit the inside of my cheek. “I want you.”

Rory flashed a devilish grin, then sealed his mouth over mine and pushed his tongue between my lips. We made out against the tree until a roar of laughter from the house spilled outside, reminding us that we weren’t alone.

“I want you so fucking bad right now. Do you think anyone would notice if we disappeared?” he whispered, biting my bottom lip.

“I don’t care. Let’s go.”

He kissed me roughly, then grabbed my wrist and set my palm over his jean-clad erection before lacing our fingers. I didn’t pull away. I was lightheaded and dizzy, and it felt almost necessary to have some kind of physical connection to him. We made our way toward the house, hand in hand. No one seemed to notice us. Derek, Gabe, and Mitch were talking to Chelsea and her friends now while Evan manned the grill. His gaze was locked on whatever he was cooking, but I could see his lips move as he chatted with the huge man standing beside him.

The bigger man guffawed at something Evan said. He turned slightly as though needing space to compose himself and that was when he noticed me. He waved a greeting, then opened his mouth and immediately closed it just as I dropped Rory’s hand.

“Jonesie. Hey…um, when did you get here?” Lame. Like totally embarrassingly lame. Thank God for the longer autumn shadows. I hoped like hell they hid my blush.

“Uh…now. Or five minutes ago, I—” He looked from me to Rory and back again with wide-eyed shock. Then he stuck his right hand out and introduced himself to Rory. “I’m Taylor. Um, Taylor Jones. I play ball with Christian. Offensive tackle.”

Rory shook Jonesie’s hand. They exchanged a round of awkward pleasantries while I stood silently in panic mode. My head whirled in a gazillion directions. Did he see? Of course, he did. Should I tell him not to say anything or was it understood? And did I know his first name was Taylor?