I’m too angry to be productive. I need to get rid of my pent-up anger, and there’s only one way to do that, and that’s confronting Thomas. I wind up a few things in my office and downstairs I tell Samantha not to expect me until the following day.

Despite my anger, I begin to enjoy the drive as I get further and further away from town. I should spend more time outside, I decide, staring at the unblemished blue skies. With all the windows of my car open and music blaring from the radio, I feel like I have no care in the world.

It’s a good feeling, one that I haven’t felt in months. I sing along to the songs I know on the radio, and the hour and a half goes by fast. I pass the sign warning that the Carlsbad exit is near, and my relaxed mood disappears.

Five minutes later, I get off the highway and follow the signs for the resort and spa. The salty scent of the ocean mixed with the smell of seaweed wafts up my nose. I wish my mission were different, and I was coming for relaxation. How nice it would be to forget all my responsibilities and allow myself to be pampered.

Another time, I tell myself as I march into the resort pretending to be a guest. I stroll past the lobby to the elevators and hope that I don’t find myself in the kitchen. I find the elevators and hit the second-floor button. A couple wrapped in towels and holding hands smile at me as they enter the elevator, and I get out. I swallow my feelings of envy and remind myself of why I’m there.

I pad down the carpeted hallway until I come to room fifty and knock on the door. Footsteps sound from inside, and then the door swings open. All air leaves my lungs at the sight of Thomas standing so close I could touch him, in just a towel tied low on his hips.

I swallow saliva as I take in his bare barrel of a chest before my gaze lifts to his face. He’s obviously just come from the shower, judging by the way his hair is matted to his scalp. He looks like a sculpture of a Greek god.

I reach deep into myself for the anger and indignation that made me drive for an hour and a half.

“Come in,” Thomas says in a cool voice as if he’d been expecting me.

I step in and turn to face him with my hands folded across my chest. It’s tough not to be distracted by the ripples of muscle on his chest.

He faces me, and our gazes meet.

“You’re a coward, Thomas Clarkson,” I say. “A real man would have faced me and told me he was tired of me rather than running off to hide in some resort.”

I’m warming up, but before I can say another word, Thomas takes a step forward, closing the distance between us. I stop breathing when he cups my face and captures my lips in a heated, passionate kiss.

I should push him away, but instead, I part my lips and welcome his prodding tongue into my mouth. My hands also refuse to obey my brain, and instead, they roam his muscular chest and shoulders.

His hands leave my face to cup my ass, pulling me against his impossibly hard cock, separated only by a towel. Heat envelopes my body, and suddenly, it’s too hot in the room.

“I’ve been going crazy thinking about you,” Thomas growls into my mouth.

I melt into him as he kisses my neck, setting me ablaze with longing. I throw my head back as he lowers his attention to my chest. I hear the pop of buttons, and seconds later, he helps me out of my blouse. I reach back and unclasp my bra while Thomas palms my nipples until they are hard bullets against the lacy material of my bra. I throw it to the floor, and Thomas gathers my breasts together and sucks and licks them while growling.

My moans fill the air, and I’m sorry for the people in the neighboring rooms. Thomas bites gently on my nipples, and I let out the loudest cry yet.

A warning bell goes off in my brain. What message am I passing on to Thomas?

That he can treat me casually, and I’ll forgive him.

He sucks on one nipple and pinches the other one. A shock of electricity shoots to my pussy. Any rational thoughts I might have had disappear, and all I can think about is getting out of my clothes. I undo the button of my pants, and with Thomas’s help, I pull them down, and then I’m gloriously naked. Thomas tugs on his towel, and it drops to the floor. One look at the massive steel-hard cock jutting out from his body and copious amounts of liquids gush out of my pussy.