“I need you to fuck me. Now.” I’m beyond shame or pride.

I climb on the bed and get on all fours, ready for him. Thomas doesn’t waste any time. The bed shifts as he climbs in after me. A strong hand grips my hip, and seconds later, I close my eyes as his cock throbs at the entrance of my pussy.

He senses what I need, and in one movement, he drives his cock inside me, filling me up and making me complete. Nothing matters except the almost unbearable pleasure that I feel.

With fast, powerful thrusts, he takes me close to the edge until I beg him to go harder. Faster. When I come, the orgasm is so powerful that it almost knocks me unconscious.

Chapter 16


I still can’t believe that Cora is here. I’d thought about her so much since arriving in Carlsbad that when I saw her, I was sure I was seeing things.

What must she think of me? I behaved like a fucking animal. The moment she entered the room, I’d been on her like a cat in heat. The plan was to stay away from her until I was over my attraction for her. The opposite seems to have happened. The more I stayed away, the more obsessed I became. That plan clearly is not going to work.

What I need to do is not to fight it. I know that my heart became ice when Tessa passed on. I lost my ability to fall in love. What I feel for Cora is all-consuming white-hot lust. The only way to get her out of my system is to give in to the affair. By the time the baby comes, I’m pretty sure she’ll be out of my system, and each of us can concentrate on the rest of our lives.

She stirs, turns to her side to face me, and places a cool hand on my chest. “Would you believe it if I told you that my purpose in coming here was not to be ravished?”

I laugh as does she. I’ve missed the sound of Cora’s laugh. I turn to her and stroke her hair. Now I’ve figured out what is happening between us, I’m comfortable with her and not frightened of my emotions. Lust is a powerful emotion.

“It doesn’t matter. You are here now, and I’m glad,” I tell her. “Do you feel like a walk on the beach before dinner?”

Her sexy leaf green eyes widen. “I can’t stay. I don’t have any clothes.”

“We’re at a beach resort. You don’t need clothes.”

She laughs. “True, but I do need some.”

Relief surges through me. She’ll give in. I think that she’s missed me as much as I’ve missed her. “There’s a gift shop downstairs with all sorts of clothes. Let’s take a quick shower and go and see what they have.”

“You’re very convincing, Dr. Clarkson.”

We reluctantly leave the bed and head to the shower.

“I love your curves,” I tell Cora as I’m lathering body wash all over her body. I can never have enough of touching and kissing her. She makes my own body come alive.

She stands under the water to rinse off, and then it’s my turn. I stand under the spray of water and allow it to cascade down my body. Cora rubs body wash over my chest, all the way to my cock.

“You’re insatiable,” she says, stroking my cock under the pretext of washing it.

“Only with you,” I tell her. For now. In a few months, I’ll have to move on and not necessarily to another woman.

Maybe to another job. As much as I love working at the fertility clinic, I’m starting to toy around with the idea of moving on. Possibly back to obstetrics and gynecology. I could even open my own clinic. The possibilities are many. I’m not there yet, but I feel as if I might be close to moving on. We’ll see.

Cora pushes me under the shower to rinse off. The next thing I feel is warm lips closing over my dick. I let out a deep growl of pleasure as Cora takes me fully in the mouth.

I slide my fingers through her wet hair as she moves up and down on the length of my cock. I groan and pump into her mouth. A soft hand cups and then caresses my balls. Her tongue teases the sensitive head of my cock, and within seconds, I’m growling like a beast. Cora does that to me. My lust for her is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in this world.

I could come in her mouth, but with Cora, I’ve realized that my pleasure is intensified when I’m sharing it with her. I gently pry her off my dick and help her to her feet. I lift her, and she wraps her legs around my waist, and with one free hand, I press my cock through the folds of her pussy. She’s soaking wet and ready for me. When I’m buried to the hilt, I lean forward to kiss her.