Page 6 of The Wedding Report

“Does he know you’re profiling him for the wedding?” Cameron asked.

“He will, when I see him. I’m still surprised the wedding is in our hometown.” Chantelle pointed out.

“You sure you don’t want—”

“I’ll be fine. I promise,” Chantelle said.

Cameron pointed at her. “You better let me know.”

Chantelle threw her head back with a laugh. “You know I will.” Her cell rang, and she saw her mother’s name. “It’s my mother.”

“I’ll talk to you later.” Cameron let herself out.

“Hey Mom.” Chantelle paced the floor, ignoring the flips in her stomach.

“How are you? You’re not too busy, are you?” her mother asked.

“I’m doing okay. Just packing.”

“I can’t wait to see you! You’re staying with us, right? If you tell me you’re staying at the Bed and Breakfast—”

“I’m coming home, Mom. I wouldn’t do that to you. Plus, I get to eat your cooking.”

Her mother laughed. “I know that’s right. What’s your diet anyway, out there in the big city?”

“I’m vegan.”


Chantelle laughed. “I’m kidding. I am exercising more, so I’ve changed some things in my diet.”

“Uh, huh?” Her mother didn’t sound convinced, but Chantelle loved rattling her. “How’s work going overall? Are you excited about the story?”

Chantelle swallowed. She walked back to her room and sat on her sleigh platform bed. “I am. It’s a little... unnerving.”

“You’re a talented writer. Does he know?”

Chantelle sighed. “No. I don’t know what to say to him. We haven’t talked in so long.”

“You’ve both grown into amazing adults. I’m sure you both can handle this,” her mother said.

“That’s not all though.”

“What is it?”

Chantelle rubbed her free hand down her pant leg. “I’ve worked so hard to get here. I just want my work taken seriously.”

“They will. You just wait and see.” Her mother always knew what to say to encourage her. “I have to go, sweetheart. I have a meatloaf in the oven that needs to come out.”

“Go ahead. Tell everyone I said hi.” She hung up and stared at the folded clothes on her bed. Delta Heights, Texas. Ready or not, she was going home.


“Pick out the invitations,” Lance’s mother advised him as she held two decorative pi

eces of paper with scripted writing on both of them.

Jet-lagged, all Lance wanted to do was sleep, but he sat with his legs stretched out on his couch. He would take a break on his honeymoon with Andrea, but for now he had deals to close. The last trip was to San Francisco.