Page 5 of The Wedding Report

Was it worth it? Did he see himself making deals for the rest of his life? Lance shook his head. He needed to focus. He was where he needed to be. His life, great. He was climbing the corporate ladder, and soon he would have Andrea as his wife. What more could he ask for?

He checked the clock. He was due on the phone with Mr. Wilkes soon. Lance didn’t waste time, but opened his notes on his tablet. Mr. Wilkes picked up after the second ring, and after the men exchanged pleasantries, Lance executed the meeting.

“I’m impressed with your numbers,” Mr. Wilkes said. “You’ve confirmed with my secretary about your trip up here, right?”

“I’ll have my assistant work out the last details. I think you’re looking at a deal that won’t disappoint you, Mr. Wilkes.”

“I look forward to it.” He hung up.

Lance’s chest swelled. He was on his way to the top. He had another trip out of town before and after meeting Mr. Wilkes, but it excited him just the same. Everything he ever worked for was paying off. He had everything, and soon he would pledge his life to one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Lance rubbed at his chin. Taking off his reading glasses, he tapped them against his full lips. Getting married. After years of pledged bachelorhood, he was tying the knot. Did he make the right choice?

He blinked. Andrea Williams was a wonderful woman. Despite growing up in the spotlight, she maintained grace and dignity. Hollywood and glamor didn’t change her character. She displayed classiness. Poise. Plus, the woman was a boss in her career.

Lance grabbed his cell and sent her a quick text.

1:45 PM... Lance: Thinking of u

He chuckled at his own corniness, but he knew Andrea would appreciate his thoughtfulness. His phone pinged. He knew she was hours ahead of him because of the time zone difference, but she sent her reply.

1:50 PM... Andrea: Aww so sweet babe. Thinking of u too. Hope to talk soon

One month. Lance would tie the knot in one month. It would be different this time. He was sure of it. He made the right decision.

Lance checked the time once more. He was leaving soon and didn’t want to be late for his flight. It was a turnaround trip, and he wanted to be back in time for the reporter coming from The Wedding Report.

Chapter 3

“You don’t have to do this.” Cameron reminded her. “You can pass this story to someone else.”

“I’ll be fine.” Chantelle assured her. “I’m a professional.” She had been repeating that to herself ever since she arrived home to pack. Growing up in a town where everyone knew everyone brought solace. She hadn’t been home since Christmas, so she couldn’t wait to see her mother and brother.

After leaving town and graduating with a Bachelor of Art’s Degree in English and a Master’s degree in journalism, Chantelle settled in Chicago, Illinois. Despite the bumps in her burgeoning career, she’d proven herself as an exceptional writer at The Wedding Report.

She turned from her closet, with her peep-toed heels in her hand. A slight chill went down her spine. Voted most eligible bachelor three years in a row, Lance Taylor was tying the knot. Chantelle breathed.

“Chantelle?” Cameron interrupted her thoughts.

“What?” she answered.

“Can you handle this?”

Chantelle nodded. “Sure. I’ll do my job, and they will know my column around the world. You know what kind of publicity this is for Delta Heights? For me?”

Cameron frowned. “I don’t know about this.”

“You worry too much.”

Her friend shrugged. “I’m just looking out for you.”

Chantelle smiled. “I appreciate that, but I’ll be okay.”

Chantelle hadn’t seen Lance since their high school years. Next thing she knew, she was leaving for college out of state. The rest was too painful to remember.

How would she feel when she saw him again? Could she handle that he was marrying another woman? Had he changed? Lance had professed his love for Andrea on TV and radio interviews. That was a surprise since he was barely on social media.

The tenseness in her stomach increased. “Why do I feel so nervous?”