Page 42 of The Wedding Report

“I moved back.”

“You’re kidding?”

He shook his head. “What about you? I heard you made it big in the windy city.”

“I’m here profiling the Taylor wedding.”

Javier raised his eyebrows. “Lance? Didn’t you guys...” His mouth twisted. “Interesting.”

“Yes, we’re working together now,” she said.

Javier gestured for her to walk with him, so she obliged. “Everything going well? How’s life?”

“I love what I do. No dog, though. There’s a no pet policy in my building,” Chantelle said.

“Who doesn’t love dogs?”

“Quite a few, but I’m not one of them. How are you? What do you do?”

His eyes beamed. “I’m an artist. I have a studio and I’ve signed with a representative. I have my first showing before the summer is over.”

A bark of laughter escaped her lips. “As technical as you were back in high school? I could have sworn you would invent something.”

He chuckled along with her. “I love technology, but I developed a passion for art.”

“Good for you.”

He paused and stared across the street. “Are you free now? I know a place with great sandwiches and is pet friendly.”

Chantelle smiled. She knew the place too. “Lead the way.”

He extended his arm, and Chantelle looped hers through his. Javier Flores. What were the chances of running into him in town? Though they shared a genuine friendship in high school, she hated that the years drove them apart. Not to mention, her grief drove her to isolate herself.

Chantelle’s eyes drifted down to Javier’s dog, Henry. His tail wagged in obvious excitement. He led the way, but Javier made sure his dog didn’t dart into the street.

With traffic behind them, they entered through the glass doors of Maxwell’s Deli and ordered. Chantelle sat across from Javier. The surrounding people placed orders, and chit chatted with friends. An employee called out items that were running low, while a frying pan hissed on the stove.

Spicy mustard and cayenne filled Chantelle’s nostrils along with baked bread. The pair ate outside. Flavors burst in her mouth as she tasted the succulent turkey sandwich she ordered. Though a few small tables and chairs remained empty, Max’s place kept a good crowd for lunch.

“Is it good?” Javier asked.

Chantelle bobbed her head. Then she scooted in her seat to get more comfortable, only to notice something warm on her feet. Looking underneath the table, she spotted Henry. “He’s asleep.”

Javier chuckled. “He took to you fast.”

She bit into her chewy bread. Javier looked so different with a five o’clock shadow. His dark features were exotic to look at, but his gleaming smile made all the difference. He even showed chivalry by opening the door for her when they first arrived.

“I never took you for a dog person,” Chantelle said.

“I wasn’t, but I volunteer at the animal shelter in town with my sister. She loves animals. I saw this little guy and had to take him home.”

She touched a hand to her heart. “That’s so sweet.”

“Did you grow up with pets?”

She shook her head. “No, but my mom changed her mind since she has a cat now. He looks like Garfield. More like Cat from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

Javier laughed. “Does he at least have a name?”