Page 43 of The Wedding Report

“Pepper. Don’t ask me why she chose that.”

“Any pets in your future?” He wiped his medium lips with a napkin.

“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

Javier leaned his elbows on the table. “So tell me what it’s like to be a famous writer. Last I saw, you profiled an NBA player and his fiancé for their wedding last year.”

“Hardly famous.”

He wagged a finger at her. “Don’t sell yourself short. I read that article.”

“You read The Wedding Report?”

“I’m more of a Sports Illustrated kind of guy, but my baby sister obsesses over it. She begged me to read the article since it involved a sports player. I recognized your name and kept reading.”

Her heart warmed at the notion. “That was nice of you. What w

as your favorite part?”

He stroked his stubble chin. “I think the section where you asked him how he proposed. It was kind of cliché to me for him to hide the ring in a cupcake, but it was nice how his fiancé liked it.”

“I did too. That was one of my favorite questions to ask.”

Javier stared. He was handsome, but she wasn’t back in town to work on her personal life.

“Is everything okay?” She asked him.

He held up a napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth. He took his time and despite the tickle of the paper, she could feel his warm, strong fingers stroking her skin.

“You had some mustard there,” he said.

“Oh, no.” Grabbing her own napkin, she wiped the rest of her mouth, taking off most of her lipstick.

“I got most of it, so you’re good.”

“Thank you.”

His eyes lingered. “You’re welcome. How long will you be here?”

She sighed, despite the fluttery feeling in her stomach. “Just until Lance’s wedding day.”

Javier bobbed his head. “That’s plenty of time.”

“Time for what?”

“To ask you out for a few dates.”

Chantelle’s body went still and her mouth fell open. Javier’s mouth quirked up into a grin. He couldn’t be serious. She’d be leaving soon. Going out with him? What if he wanted more? He was a friend, and they were always cordial in high school, but a date?

“You’re thinking about it, I see,” he said.

“Javier, I come back as often as I can to visit my family, but that’s it. Delta Heights is still home, but I live in Chicago. Is it even wise to... start something?”

“I get that.” His eyes softened. “Truth is, I should have asked you out a long time ago. I didn’t have the guts then being awkward. I’m passed that stage now.”

“I can see that.” He had come into his own.

“You were always nice to me, despite what others said. I appreciated it. I liked you.”