“I know what the sign says,” he assured her. “In all the languages. Come on. I want to show you something.”


“Don’t worry about it. The owner is a friend of mine. I’ve been up here before.”

He laughed softly at her skeptical expression. “You don’t believe me?” At her sheepish shrug, he added, “Tell you what. If we get into trouble, I’ll nobly take the blame. I’ll claim that I kidnapped you and forced you up this path under threat of dire consequences.”

She couldn’t help smiling. “What dire consequences?”

“A fate worse than death,” he assured her. “You can tell them I threatened to ravish you.”

Savannah’s cheeks burned. Being ravished by Kit didn’t seem like such a terrible fate, at all.

She cleared her throat. “You’re sure this is okay with the owner?”

He nodded, his hand still extended to her. “Trust me.”

She seemed to have no choice. She placed her hand in his in a gesture that was becoming intriguingly familiar.

This path, though clearly marked, was obviously not as well-traveled as the public walkways. Flowers and vines crowded the edges, and more than once Kit had to move a heavy palm frond out of the way so that Savannah could slip beneath it. The ground climbed rather sharply under their feet, and she was grateful for Kit’s steadying hand.

Just where was he taking her?

At last they slipped through another curtain of greenery and Savannah’s breath caught sharply in her throat.

“Kit! This is spectacular.”

He smiled smugly and stood to one side so that she could take full advantage of the breathtaking view from the edge of the bluff at which the private path ended.

This was probably the highest point on the island, Savannah realized in wonder, gazing at the exquisite scenery spread out below them. They could almost see the entire resort from here—the neat little cottages, the two waterfall-accented swimming pools, the tennis courts and stables, the beach with its colorful splattering of umbrellas and convenient drink stands.

Tiny white Jeeps that looked like toys from where they stood darted around the resort, carrying guests to the shuttle launches to the larger shopping-and-casino islands nearby, transporting employees from the main resort to the separate staff village that Savannah knew lay at the far end of the island. And at the horizon, endless blue water melded into endless blue sky, effectively creating the illusion that no world existed beyond this one.

“No wonder the owner wants to keep this spot for himself,” she murmured. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life.”

“Neither have I.”

Kit’s voice was gruff. Deep. And very, very close.

She turned to find him standing only inches away from her, his gaze devouring her face.

She shivered and twisted her fingers in front of her. She tried to smile. “You’re always staring at me,” she accused, trying to make light of it. He didn’t return the smile. Instead, he answered her with her own words. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life.”

She almost moaned. How could she possibly be sensible when he said things like that?

She couldn’t

She didn’t try to resist when he reached for her. He moved slowly, as though making an effort not to startie her, but she could have assured him there was no need.

She wasn’t afraid of him. Maybe she should have been afraid—or at least wary of the feelings he aroused in her—but she wasn’t.

Looking up into his dark eyes, she saw herself reflected there, saw the wonder and curiosity on her own face. She lifted a hand to his smooth-shaven cheek, thinking again that he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. He had the dark, polished, cleanly chiseled look that heroes had in the old movies, the kind of face the cameras loved, and yet he seemed so real, so touchable.

Kit stood very still, letting her study him, explore his face with the tips of her fingers. He seemed to be holding his breath, as if his patience and restraint were hard-won. She felt the faintest quiver go through him when she trailed her hand down his throat and across his broad chest. That involuntary reaction on his part gave her the courage to move closer and lift her mouth invitingly toward his.

Kit didn’t waste any time taking her up on her silent offer. His mouth came down on hers with a force that rocked her back on her heels. Savannah locked her arms around his neck for support, bringing her into full contact with his long, hard body, her breasts flattened against his chest, her bare legs tangled with his. His hands slid down her back, pressing, shaping, holding her close.