He wanted her.

The evidence was unmistakable. The sensation unbelievable. Heady. Electrifying. More intoxicating than the fine champagne they’d shared the night before.

He wanted her with a grown man’s passion, with an honesty and an intensity that she found almost irresistible. He was doing wonders for her feminine ego, which had taken so many hits during the past years, and she was immeasurably grateful to him for giving her back something she’d thought irrevocably lost. A sense of her own desirability and her own worth, apart from her family and her commitments.

He was giving her back herself. And even if she didn’t really know him, she couldn’t helping loving him for it. At least a little, she thought, tilting her head to allow him to deepen the kiss.

His tongue thrust eagerly between her lips and swept the inside of her mouth with a thoroughness that thrilled her. Tentatively, and then more confidently, she responded in kind.

Oh, he tasted good. Warm. Spicy. Male.

He moved slightly against her, fanning the fire inside her. A heavy ache throbbed between her thighs, and she pressed closer to the answering hardness between his.

Kit groaned and cupped her hips to hold her more firmly against him.

“Savannah,” he gasped, tearing his mouth from hers to allow them oxygen. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”

Oh, yes, she knew exactly what she was doing. Even if she hadn’t felt his arousal against her abdomen, she could see it in the hot flush on his cheeks, hear it in the ragged edge to his breathing, feel it in the tremors that ‘ ran through him.

And she laughed in sheer exhilaration, feeling freer and more alive than she’d felt in years.

In response to Savannah’s laughter, the corners of Kit’s mouth kicked up into his wicked, pirate’s grin. He lifted her off the ground and spun her until she was clinging to him helplessly, laughing and begging him to stop.

“That’ll teach you to laugh at me,” he said with exaggerated fierceness as he set her back on her feet.

She had to cling to him for support until the scenery stopped whirling around her.

“You,” she said breathlessly, “are dangerous.”

His expression turned abruptly tender. He cupped her face between his hands. “Not to you, sweetheart,” he assured her gruffly.

And he kissed her again, this time so sweetly that it brought a hard lump to her throat.

She fell just a little more deeply.

“Hey, can’t you read, buddy? This place is off-limits to the guests.”

The unexpected voice was a low, menacing growl, making Savannah gulp and draw quickly back from Kit.

The intruder looked as dangerous as his voice. His hair was midnight-black, his narrowed eyes obsidian, his features dark and formidable. Well over six feet of solid muscle had been packed into a thin white shirt and loose white slacks.

Kit tilted his head arrogantly and met the other man’s challenging gaze. “What are you going to do? Throw me off the bluff?” “I just might,” the man in white drawled, sounding entirely serious.

Savannah thought maybe it was time for her to intercede before the testosterone levels built to an explosive’ level.

“It’s okay,” she assured the newcomer, speaking with a breezy confidence she had to fake. “Kit’s a friend of the resort owner.”

The man raked his dark eyes slowly across Kit’s face. “Is that right?”

Kit glanced down at Savannah. “Er—did I say I was a friend of the owner?”

Oh, great. He’d lied to her, and now they were both in trouble. She glared at him. “Yes. That’s what you said.”

The other man heaved a heavy sigh and shook his head. “Trying to impress a pretty woman by claiming friendship with me again, Kit? How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?”

Savannah had just figured out that she’d been snowed when both men broke into dopey grins.
