Tess felt her cheeks warm. She had to concede Stevie had quizzed her about Scott on more than one occasion, and each time she’d laughed and brushed off the questions. “I wasn’t comparing other men to Scott.”

“Not consciously, maybe, but subconsciously?”

“We are not getting into amateur psychoanalysis hour,” Tess grumbled into her teacup.

Jenny crossed her ankles and settled more comfortably into her chair. “You have to admit Scott has quite a few qualities you would naturally look for in a mate. Let’s face it, if you didn’t work for him and you met him online, you’d think he was exactly what you’re looking for.”

Tess looped a strand of her hair idly around one finger. “A workaholic confirmed bachelor with a noted weakness for busty blondes? Really?”

Jenny shrugged. “Obviously he’s not that confirmed a bachelor if he’s actively contemplating marriage and children. And he’s never married any of the busty blondes he dated, so maybe it’s not such a weakness after all.”

/> “He did propose to one.” With a slight scowl, Tess pictured the stunningly beautiful almost Mrs. Prince. Sharon had always been perfectly civil to Tess, though she’d had a subtle way of making it clear that as valuable as Tess might be to Scott in the office, he belonged to her after hours. Tess had never wanted to believe she’d thrown herself into an ill-fated romance of her own at about that same time as a reaction to Scott’s engagement—but there had been times in the past couple years when she’d wondered...

Jenny made a face. “And his engagement lasted all of—what?—five months?”

“Four.” Her own failed romance hadn’t even made it that long before it crashed and burned, a year or so before she’d met Jenny and Stevie. James had accused her of always putting her job ahead of him, and he’d been jealous of her relationship with Scott, though she’d assured him repeatedly that there had never been anything personal between her and her employer.

Jenny gave a hint of a righteous smile. “So there you go. After realizing said busty blonde was the wrong match for him, he started thinking about a right match...and maybe he finally realized she’d been right in front of him for a long time. Is that so hard to believe?”

“What is easier to believe is that my newlywed friend is seeing everything through romance-tinted filters these days,” Tess replied indulgently to Jenny. “It’s very sweet, but...”

“Was there any romance to Scott’s proposition?” Stevie cut in to ask.

“Not an iota,” Tess answered, and though she’d tried for wry humor, she was aware her tone came across more as grumpy. “Unless you consider ‘we make a hell of a team’ a passionate declaration.”

“Not so much,” Stevie said with a sigh. “Not even a kiss, huh?”

Tess took a too-hasty sip of her tea that made her cough. By the time she caught her breath again, both her friends were studying her much too closely.

Stevie leaned forward. “There was a kiss?”

“Well, yes. Sort of...coincidentally.”

Jenny’s cup hit the side table with an eager little thump. “Oh, this I have to hear. How did he coincidentally kiss you?”

“He, um, thought I’d hung some mistletoe in the office.”

Neither of her friends bought that explanation for a moment, as their expressions clearly informed her.

She sighed. “Okay, we knew what we were doing. I guess it was an impulse. Curiosity. Scott called it an experiment. I’m not sure I can explain it completely.”

Stevie waved a hand dismissively. “Forget explanations. We want details. How was it?”

“It was nice.”

Her friends groaned in unison at the guarded reply.

Stevie cocked her head skeptically. “You’re telling me that after six years of being pretty much joined at the hip with that undeniably great-looking guy, you finally kiss him and it’s just...nice?”

Jenny tsked her tongue. “I don’t believe it. Scott hasn’t spent time with all those busty blondes without picking up a few tricks.”

The image of Scott picking up kissing tricks from a series of blondes made Tess scowl when she realized just how intensely she disliked the idea. It was difficult to keep believing she wasn’t harboring secret feelings for Scott when just the thought of him kissing another woman caused a knot to form in her stomach.

“Well?” Jenny teased. “Was it good?”

“It was better than good,” she conceded with a sigh. “The man knows how to kiss. No surprise, I guess, since he’s so successful at everything he does.”

“Except finding a bride,” Stevie added pointedly.