“That remains to be seen,” Jenny murmured.

Tess made a sound like a strangled growl. “Can someone remind me why I thought it was a good idea to consult with you two about this?”

“Because we’re your best friends and we love you,” Stevie replied immediately. “Even if Jen and I don’t necessarily agree on everything, we absolutely want what’s best for you.”

Tess could hardly continue to pout after that. “That is why I called you. I just needed to talk this through while I decide how to answer him.”

“You didn’t mention any of this to your sister?” Jenny looked as though she already knew the answer, but asked just for confirmation.

“I wish Nina and I had the kind of relationship that would make me feel comfortable discussing this sort of thing with her, but we just don’t. I don’t know if it’s because of the age gap or her preoccupation with her family and her schedule, or maybe we’re just too different to fully understand each other, but I don’t think she’d be of any help at all with this.”

Nina would probably tell her to stop waffling and latch on to this eligible bachelor before he got away, perhaps adding that it wasn’t as if Tess could count on any other offers. Tess bit her lip as she could almost hear the words in her sister’s blunt voice—or was that her own insecurity whispering at the back of her mind?

“It really is a shame you and Nina aren’t closer. I always wanted a sister, myself,” Jenny mused with regret. “I thought I’d missed out on something, being an only child. I was lucky enough to meet Stevie in high school, and she filled a big gap for me.”

“That goes both ways,” Stevie assured her. “I love my brother, but I certainly can’t talk to him about relationship issues.”

“And I’m lucky to have you both in my life now,” Tess assured them, then quickly waved a hand. “That’s enough of the sappy talk or we’ll all end up sniffling. So I’m ready for advice. Stevie?”

Uncharacteristically somber, Stevie took her time deliberating her response. “I’d be wary,” she said after a moment. “You and Scott work together so well, and you love your job so much. I’d hate for what could turn out to be an impulsive mistake to change everything for you.”


Jenny shrugged. “As I’ve already said, I think it could be worth considering. You and Scott are mature adults with a great deal in common. You both know the personal and professional risks you’d be taking, so maybe you could take steps to minimize repercussions if it doesn’t work out. Yes, it’s a gamble, but isn’t every relationship, in some way?”

Any other time, Tess might have been amused at the role reversal from her friends. Reckless Stevie advising prudence, practical Jenny encouraging a romantic gamble. Tess couldn’t help wondering if the turnaround could be attributed to the state of her friends’ own relationships—Jenny was so happy in her new marriage, whereas Stevie had been involved for some time with a moody musician who’d been spending increasingly more time with his moderately successful local band than with her. Tess and Jenny had worried lately that Joe was growing restless, perhaps even beginning to stray. Both suspected Stevie secretly echoed their concerns. Tess had never truly believed Stevie and Joe shared the kind of commitment that would last a lifetime, but Stevie always gave everything she had to making her relationships work, even when it became obvious to others that her efforts would ultimately fail. She was always so optimistic—which made Tess even more nervous that Stevie was the one urging caution.

“So what are you going to tell Scott?” Stevie asked.

Tess spread her hands in confusion. “I have no idea.”

“And we haven’t helped much, have we?” Jenny asked ruefully. “With our completely opposite advice.”

“You’ve helped tremendously. You’ve listened without judgment while I expressed my concerns. I’ll think about everything you’ve both said while I make up my mind.”

“If you need to talk any more, you know where to find us,” Stevie offered.

“I know. Thanks. And now, how about if we table this topic for a while and maybe order take-out?”

“I’d love to, but I can’t stay,” Jenny said with a glance at her watch. “Gavin has the night off and we’re having a date night. We might even see a movie. In a theater. With popcorn and everything.”

Knowing how rare a free evening was for them, Tess smiled. “Good for you. Stevie?”

“Sorry. I’m out, too. I promised Joe I’d drive him and his band mates to the airport this evening. They’re catching a late flight to Austin for a gig there.”

Tess and Jenny exchanged quick glances. Stevie spent a lot of time as an unpaid assistant for her boyfriend’s alternative rock band, Eleven Twenty-Five. As busy as she was with her own kitchen design business, she still spent hours making calls for the band, dealing with printers and club owners, hauling supplies in her SUV, making flight arrangements. Tess wasn’t entirely sure what Stevie received in return. But because it was none of her business and Stevie hadn’t asked for advice, she kept her mouth shut. “Another time, then.”

“Soon,” Stevie promised. She jumped to her feet, tossed back her curls and carried her teacup toward the kitchen, looking suddenly restless. “I’d better get going. I promised Cole I’d feed his cat while he’s out of town.”

Cole McKellar was Stevie’s next-door neighbor, a quiet widower who sometimes helped Stevie with home maintenance in exchange for occasional cat-sitting. Tess hadn’t met him, but Stevie always spoke fondly of him. It was part of Stevie’s charm, as well as her weakness, that she liked almost everyone, and she had a near compulsive desire to take care of her friends. She stopped to give Tess a quick hug on her way out. “Seriously, call if you want to talk more. I’m always available as a sounding board.”

“Same here,” Jenny seconded as she prepared to follow Stevie out. “We’re here for you, pal.”

Smiling broadly, Tess locked the door behind them. Her smile faded as it occurred to her that an entire Sunday evening of solitude stretched in front of her now that her friends had rushed off to be with their significant others. Maybe she’d do a little Christmas decorating of her own place.

Not much was going on this last day of the long holiday weekend. Her s

ister had invited her for dinner, but she’d begged off, having endured enough nagging this week. Usually Tess enjoyed an evening to herself with nothing to do but lose herself in a good book or catch up on TV shows she’d recorded. Tonight she felt too antsy to relax, too aware of the silence in her condo. There were too few distractions from her convoluted thoughts, and she was no closer to a decision now than she’d been before her friends had arrived.