“Sorry,” Casey said. “She’s going for Jane.”

“Poor Hildy,” Olivia said.

Jack was watching the doorway but nothing was happening. He was about to turn away when an incredibly pretty girl walked in. She paused a few steps in and looked around. The bright outdoor light was behind her and a breeze moved her long, thick hair. The shape of her was extraordinary, tall and slim but with a magnificent bosom. Small waist, curvy hips, and long, long legs. But her body was nothing compared to her beautiful face. She was like the princesses described in fairy tales: blonde hair, eyes like sapphires, full pink lips.

Jack, used to seeing spectacularly beautiful young women, could only stare.

“Darn!” Casey said loudly. “Gizzy didn’t wear any makeup today. When she does, she’s a knockout.”

Turning, Jack looked at Casey in disbelief, then gave a little guffaw of laughter. “Is that local humor?”

Casey smiled. “It is. If you want to meet her, I suggest you get over there fast or you’ll lose your place.”

Three young workmen were putting down their hammers to go toward her. Jack covered the distance in just a few steps.

Olivia frowned. “That guy’s a movie star. He’ll leave soon. Gizzy’s dad won’t like that.”

“I have an ulterior motive. In high school, Jack played Mr. Bingley, and he doesn’t have a movie until the fall. If he could be enticed to stay here and be in our little local play, we’ll be sure to have sold-out performances. And since it’s all for charity…”

Olivia smiled. “So you’re dangling Gizzy in front of him as bait?”

“Oh, yeah. There always have to be sacrifices for the greater good.”

Olivia laughed. “Somehow, I don’t think Gizzy is going to mind. But since you and Jack seem to get along so well, why don’t you dangle yourself?”

“As much as I love Jack on the screen, seeing him in person isn’t the same. Actually, I was wondering who the guy onstage is. He’s not from around here. If I could act, I might try out for Lydia. Think I could pass for fifteen?”

“I think you should try for Elizabeth. Who’s going to be Darcy?”

Casey lowered her voice. “Josh doesn’t know it, but Kit plans to coerce him into playing the role.”

“Josh has no idea what’s in store for him?”

“None, but if I’ve learned anything since I’ve been in Summer Hill, it’s that Mr. Christopher ‘Kit’ Montgomery gets whatever he wants. The owner of this warehouse said he would absolutely, positively never sell this place.” Casey waved her hand. “You see what happened there. So anyway, if I played Elizabeth, I’d be pretending to fall in love with my brother. Yuck!”

Olivia smiled. “I can see your problem. Too old for Lydia, Lizzy is out, and Jane…”

“Will be given to Gizzy.” She nodded toward the doorway. Jack and Gizzy were talking, and they made a very good-looking couple. As tall as Gizzy was, Jack was taller still, and her very feminine good looks were balanced by his rough handsomeness.

“I see you’ve done my work for me,” Kit said from behind them.

Immediately, Casey understood what he meant. “You must know that

Jack doesn’t have a movie until September and you probably know he played Bingley in high school. Did…” She paused. “Did the other one tell you?”

Kit’s eyes widened. “Are you referring to my cousin Tatton as ‘the other one’?”

Casey shrugged. “Sounds like him to rat on his friends.”

Kit made a sound of astonishment. “I thought he was the heartthrob of all women.”

“Not this one,” Casey said. “You want something to eat? I have some of those orange crêpes you like.”

“No time now, but please save some for me.” He was studying her in speculation, as though trying to figure something out.

“So how are you going to get Jack to agree to be in the play?”

“I’m going to wait until he comes to me and begs for the role.” He looked at Olivia, lowered his voice, and spoke directly to her. “It was Elizabeth, but now it’s to be Mrs. Bennet.” Turning, he walked away.