“What was that about?” Casey saw that Olivia’s face was red.

“Nothing,” she said. “Do you think I should go buy some more pastries? Or cupcakes for lunch?”

“It’s too early to know if we’ll need them.” Casey was staring at her, but Olivia wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Did Kit mean he wants you to play Mrs. Bennet?”

“I have no idea.” Olivia busied herself with rearranging food containers.

Three men came to the table asking for coffee and more doughnuts. Their conversation was full of “not fair” and “who does he think he is?” and “he should go back to Hollywood where he belongs.” When they left, Casey and Olivia burst into giggles.

Jack and Gizzy had moved out of the doorway but were still talking. When he caught Casey’s eye, he excused himself and came over to the table. “You have any more of those…” He trailed off as he glanced at Gizzy, then back again. “She’s smart and funny and as delicate as glass. I’ve never met anyone like her.”

Casey glanced at Olivia, then back at him. “Look, Jack, we don’t know each other very well, but you’ll have to trust me on this: Gizzy is not made of glass.”

Jack didn’t seem to hear her. “She’s trying out for Jane, and of course she’ll get the part.” He hesitated. “I was thinking I might audition for Bingley.”

“What a great idea,” Casey said. “Have you asked Kit yet?”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t like it. He said some L.A. guy will call me and I’ll fly away and leave them hanging. But I’m free until September and I could stay at Tate’s house.” He gave Casey a pleading look. “You’ll cook for me? Fill that big shiny box in the kitchen?”

“I could do that.” Casey tried to sound as innocent as she could manage. “If you can persuade Kit, that is. Hey! I have an idea that might help your case. If you have some L.A. publicity people, maybe you could get them to promote the play. Tell Kit they’ll do it for free. After all, it is for charity.”

“Brilliant idea,” Jack said. “I’ll make some calls and get it done. Wish me luck.”

“I feel in my heart that Kit will consent to give you the role.”

Smiling, Jack went back to where Gizzy was waiting for him.

Olivia was shaking her head. “I’m worried whether you and your co-conspirator are going to get into heaven.”

“I think He forgives more when it’s for charity. Besides, who knows? Maybe Jack and Gizzy will be a match.”

Casey and Olivia looked at each other. A lot of men fell for Gizzy’s outward beauty, but when they got to know her, they were turned off. She was a fearless daredevil inside the body of an angel. “Nah,” they agreed. “It won’t happen.”

At quarter to ten, the auditions began. The first was to be for the role of Lydia. Casting the part would get rid of twenty-some giggling, excited girls—and a few women who thought they could still pass for fifteen.

Kit, who would direct the play, told the girls that although the part of Lydia didn’t have a lot of lines, it had to be believable that she had something about her that would attract an older man. True, she was giddy and frivolous. “But then, we men tend to like that,” he said in such a suggestive way that everyone laughed.

All the girls with LYDIA on their badges went backstage, and as their turns came, they were helped into the high-waisted, low-cut dresses of the Regency era. Since the man playing Wickham was in costume, the girls would be too.

The first up was a local girl, a senior in high school, who was the head cheerleader and very popular. What she did and wore were constant topics of conversation among the girls at her school. The gossip was that three girls had dropped out because they were sure she’d get the role.

But she was awful! Olivia and Casey stood in the back, watching in horror as the girl showed what she thought was sexy. She played Lydia like a forty-year-old vamp from a black-and-white movie. All that was missing was a cigarette dangling from her lips.

When she finished, Kit graciously thanked her and she left the stage, smiling as though she knew she had the role.

Josh was standing by the food tables. “You have any more—?”

“Help yourself.” Casey looked at Olivia. In silent agreement, they hurried down the center aisle to sit in the row beside Kit, who was behind a temporary desk.

“Did you come to watch a catastrophe?” Kit said under his breath.

“Oh, yes,” Casey said. “So far it’s more exciting than Jack Worth’s last movie. Did you accept his offer of free publicity?”

“Of course. Next!” he said loudly, then removed an envelope from his pile of papers, reached across Casey, and handed it to Olivia.

She opened it, began to pull out a photo, then quickly put it back inside.

“What’s that?” Casey asked.