“Guess that means I’m gonna have to keep you knocked up for the next decade.”

“Multiples run in your blood, so maybe we can knock two or three out at a time,” I taunt.

“Jesus. Didn’t think about that.”

I snort just as we pull into the driveway. A handful of cars and trucks are already lined up. As soon as we get out, Ethan wraps his arm around me. “Let’s give ’em something to talk about.”

We make our way to the buffet line to check out the desserts. I’m still so full, though, and I don’t know if I can eat another bite. We find a huge assortment of cakes, cookies, pies, homemade candies, and more.

Maize comes around the corner carrying a fruitcake and smiles. “There are the lovebirds.”

“You’ve completely outdone yourself this year,” I tell her. She rearranges some things to make room for the cake, then pulls me into a hug.

“Really happy for you two. Just be prepared to be bombarded about babies.”

“Don’t worry, we are.” Ethan shrugs as if he’s not fazed in the least.

“Did someone say babies?” Grandma Bishop saunters our way. “I promise to go easy on you and won’t mention it until the wedding day.”

She winks, and we break into a fit of laughter.

“Don’t worry, Grandma. Harper’s already agreed to have ten kids, so you’ll be set for a while,” Ethan tells her.

“Ten? Well. See there...” She turns to Maize, then continues, “Guess you got some catchin’ up to do.”

“Grandma!” Maize groans. “I think you still have some other grandchildren to pester about popping out a couple before it’s my turn again.”

Kane and Knox come in, and they’re followed by Grayson and Luke.

As soon as Knox is close, I ask him where Hadleigh is.

“She’s on the way,” Kane answers instead. Usually when the twins are at a Bishop event, she isn’t too far away. She normally eats lunch with her family first if she’s not working.

Moments later, Kenzie walks out of the kitchen and smiles when she sees us.

“Look at you two. Bangin’ looks good on y’all.” She snickers as she elbows Ethan.

Funny enough, we’re used to jokes like this, except this time they’re true.

“You’re just jealous,” Ethan says.

Kenzie rolls her eyes, but as soon as she sees Grayson, she groans. “I get so tired of seeing him everywhere I go!”

I still can’t figure out what their deal is, and neither can anyone else, but I keep that to myself. I’m afraid to even ask, given how fired up she gets anytime he’s near.

Grayson waves at Kenzie, and she flips him off before turning her back to talk to Maize.

“So y’all gonna tell me who won the bet?” Ethan crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at his cousins and ranch hands.

“What bet?” I ask, furrowing my brows at the way everyone’s chuckling.

“That’d be me,” Kenzie announces proudly, spinning around with pride. “Five grand. I’m celebrating with a huge New Year’s party.”

Ethan shakes his head. “Y’all should be ashamed.”

“Someone fill me in…” I say urgently.

“We all placed bets on when you and Ethan would finally hook up.”

My jaw drops. “Wait. The first time or officially?”

Ethan immediately turns toward me and laughs. Everyone else’s eyes widen, and they come closer.

“Wait, does that mean Kenzie didn’t win?” Grayson taunts.

“Back off. I’m not givin’ it back.”

“You know the rules,” Kane adds. “We said their first time.”

“So when was that?” Kenzie asks.

“Not sure this is an appropriate subject at Thanksgiving…” I dodge the question, and Ethan notices my discomfort, grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

“That’s what y’all get for betting on us,” he muses.

“Wanna grab some desserts?” Ethan asks me when we’re finally out of the circle of attention.

I nod. “I guess, but if my top button flies off, you know why.”

Ethan chuckles. There’re so many options I don’t even know where to start, but I grab a sugar cookie and a mini pecan pie. Ethan and I make our way over to an empty table and sit. He leans in close and gives me a kiss.

“Have I told you how much I love you today?” he asks, just as his parents walk in.

I shake my head and grin.

“It’s more than words can ever describe. Love you so damn much.”

“I love you more,” I say, leaning into him.

The room fills with aw’s, and it’s then I realize everyone’s attention is back on us, but I don’t care this time.

I love Ethan Bishop with all my heart and always have.

And now everyone knows it.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Wow, you two are fire together,” Hadleigh says as she helps us put our real engagement pictures with the save the date invitations into silky smooth envelopes. We decided to meet at the B&B since there’s a lot of space and unlimited snacks.

“Fire?” Kane arches a brow. “More like…boring.”

“You’re just jealous,” Harper tells him.

He snorts. “Jealous of what exactly?”