She glances at Hadleigh, then gives him a pointed look. Whatever silent conversation they just had did the trick because he doesn’t say another word. All I can do is chuckle. I learned a long time ago that you win some and lose some when it comes to the twins. Today, Harper won.

“This picture is so cute,” Hadleigh says with a soft smile. “You look so in love.”

“’Cause we are,” I add.

Knox makes a gagging noise, but we ignore it.

It’s the photo of us kissing under the mistletoe at the B&B. We went for a rustic, Southern vibe for our engagement photos. Considering Christmas is only two weeks away, it was now or never with getting these in the mail. It’s why we’re stuffing envelopes in an assembly line.

Harper agrees and stares at the picture with googly eyes, then glances my way. Seeing the love she has for me warms my heart. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to know her, to love her, and to soon be marrying her.

Kane snags a cookie off the buffet line.

“No sticky fingers,” Hadleigh scolds when he sits next to her. “Wipe your hands before you touch anything.”

“I feel sorry for your future kids,” Knox says, barely helping.

She narrows her eyes. “Right back atcha.”

“Glad I was invited to the party,” Elle mocks with Olivia trailing near her.

“My favorite eight-year-old niece in the whole world,” I say when I see Olivia dressed in a cowgirl hat and boots. She runs toward me, and I pull her into a hug.

I smile, noticing the baby isn’t around. Before I can ask, Elle speaks up. “Grandma has her. She demanded I bring that baby to her today, or she was removing me from the will.”

“Sounds serious.” I chuckle, then turn my attention back to Olivia. “Where are you goin’ all dressed up?”

“We’re going trail riding!”

Elle laughs. “I promised her if she kept her room clean and made all A’s, we’d plan a day. So here we are. Gotta make sure Sparkles gets her exercise.”

Olivia lifts her hand for a high five, and I smack it. “Good job, kiddo. You’re awesome!”

Uncle John sees Olivia, and she runs over to him when he opens his arms.

“Sorry for not inviting you,” Harper offers. “I thought you were working today.”

“It’s no biggie. I was supposed to, but Connor’s handling it because we don’t make promises we can’t keep in our household. So horseback riding it is,” Elle tells her.

“Have fun,” I say, and she gives me a wave.

After we have all three hundred envelopes stuffed and addresses written on the front, I notice an evil grin on Harper’s face.

“Whatcha doin’?” I ask as Hadleigh and the twins put stamps on each one that’s complete.

I see Harper write Shayla’s name and address on one.

“You are not sending her a save the date,” I mumble, leaning over to double-check.

“Yes, do it!” Hadleigh encourages. “She deserves to have it rubbed in her smug face.”

“I have to, Ethan. She needs to know I’m getting married to you the same day as her, you know since she’s still convinced this is all fake.”

Knox snorts. “That’s the ultimate fuck you.”

“It really is,” Kane adds. “But considering everything I’ve heard about the witch, it’s also payback.”

“See?” Harper says matter-of-factly as if her decision is justified.

“Okay, when the twins are agreeing with you, it’s a dead giveaway that it’s a bad idea. But go ahead. She does need a slice of humble pie this holiday season.” I chuckle.

“That would be a good name for a lotion.” Harper pulls her phone from her pocket and adds it to her notepad app. “Next year. Humble pie soap and lotion are happening.”

Everyone laughs as Harper places a stamp on the corner of the envelope. “I just wish I could be a fly on the wall when she opens it and sees the photo and date.”

“I actually do too,” I admit. “Might not have happened without her help, though.”

Harper leans in and brushes her lips against mine. “I think it eventually would’ve.”

I deepen the kiss and hear Knox gag before pulling away. “Might’ve taken a few more years, though,” I say, and the thought makes me sad.

“You two are so lucky to have each other. Too bad there aren’t any decent men left.”

Harper and her hold a silent conversation for a moment, and even I can feel the tension in the room. Thankfully Grayson enters with a scowl, covered from head to toe in mud.

“What the hell happened to you?” I ask.

The twins snicker with guilt, and I immediately know they had something to do with it.

“Why don’t you two assholes tell them what you did?”

Kane smirks, and Knox howls as Grayson rushes toward him.

“It’s called a Bishop boobie trap!” Knox shouts, running out the front door of the B&B with Grayson chasing behind him. Kane explains how they hung a bucket of shit above one of the stalls when the door was opened.