The door opens and there he is. All six feet, brooding with hooded eyes. He walks straight to my dresser and opens a drawer.

“Hey!” Who just walks into someone’s room and starts going through it? What is he looking for?

He tosses some jeans at me and then walks over to the closet.

Leaning forward, I grab the jeans, a little confused. He really wants to take me for a ride. I mean, if he wanted to kill me, he wouldn’t care so much that I was in a robe. Dead is dead.

He throws a white shirt over his shoulder and then turns and points at me.

“Get dressed. No more fucking games. I’ll give you three minutes.”

Swallowing hard, I stare back at him, my fingers digging into the denim.

“Okay,” I mutter under my breath. Why does he want me to go on a ride so bad? Maybe Ruin wants to see me and he sent this prospect to retrieve me? That would make a lot of sense.

Getting dressed, I can hear him walking around out there, he’s probably going through the coffee table and looking at the pictures on the wall.

Opening my drawers, I grab panties and a bra, two things he didn’t give me. I’m not sure if he thought I had some on under the robe or if he meant to keep me panty and braless but they are definitely going on.

Grabbing a hair tie off the dresser, I pull my hair up into a ponytail and grab my Vans that are behind the door. Knowing my three minutes are up, I head down the hall and try to put my shoes on at the same time.

“I’m coming,” I announce, nearly falling on my face trying to walk and tie a shoe.

Coming into the living room, he’s standing by the door with his arms crossed. His muscles bulging and stretching the fabric of his shirt.

“So, where are we going?” I swipe my bangs from my face, hoping he’ll give me some details on what’s going on here.

“Where’s Dime?” he asks, his question throwing me off as he ignores my own.

“She’s out with some friends. She always gets in late,” I tell him. She’s a wild one, she always has been and the fact that she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet is a win on my part.

He gives a curt nod in acknowledgment and opens the door, ducking his head to step out onto the porch, following him, the smell of some man shampoo or cologne wafts around me. Curling my toes in my shoes, I ignore it and cross my arms. It’s dark but still warm, the crickets singing loudly tonight as we make our way across the trailer court. He throws his leg over his motorcycle and turns it on, the headlight shining right onto my trailer.

“Um…” I look at the dark machine, the idea it doesn’t have seat belts or an actual seat is intimidating. “I’ve never ridden one of these.”

Looking over his shoulder, one hand on his knee he looks at me.

“Just climb on, put your feet on the pegs and hold on. That easy.”

Right. The fact that we might crash or someone wreck into us, not of importance to him.

“Do you have a helmet?” I ask, and he leans over, grabbing something off his wooden porch before displaying a small black helmet.

Taking it in my hands, it’s light and reminds me of what someone would wear riding a bicycle, not a motorcycle. Putting it on my head, he smiles again and reaches out to buckle and tighten the chin strap. I’m too scared to smile, this is not fun.

Done with the strap, he turns around and revs the motorcycle, the roar of the muffler echoing throughout the trailer park.

With a shaky hand, I grab on to his back and throw my leg over the seat behind him. Straddling the bike, I situate myself, finding pegs by my feet I prop them up.

“Hold on,” he shouts over the motor and I wrap my arms around him, that clean smell all around me now and hard to ignore.

He gently pulls out of his driveway and I close my eyes, scared to death, my throat threatening to scream as if I’m on a carnival ride.

He stops at the stop sign at the entrance of our trailer park and then takes off. The bike jerks as he thrusts through the gears. The wind in my face and the fact there’s nothing around me to keep me grounded making me open my eyes and look around. Lights from houses and businesses fly by in a blur, the warm air feeling a couple degrees cooler than before we ride past the coffee shop and club and toward the outer banks of the town. The lights slowly dissipate from the houses, and the stars become brighter. Twenty minutes pass, at least that’s what it feels like and I’m more relaxed. My body isn’t as tense and I’ve unlocked my jaw. The warm air passes through my hair, the sweet summer smell amazing, I lean my head back and look up at the stars. Wow, they’re so beautiful. I don’t know when the last time was that I actually just stopped and looked up at the sky, or felt like this actually. I’m loose, and feel… at peace? It’s weird. I’m on this bike with a stranger not knowing where we’re going and I’m back here in complete zen.