The bike shifts, my body jerking forward. My eyes widen noticing we’re slowing down, my heart begging to panic and my body tensing. We’re coming to a stop. Looking over his shoulder all I see is a lake.

There are no houses, buildings, or people.

Suddenly, that zen moment is gone and the fact that I’m out in the middle of nowhere begins to raise every red flag in my body and the thought that I’m in trouble comes crashing back.

“Where are we?” I yell into his ear.

Turning his head, his hand grabbing my knee, I suck in a tight breath.

“A place called Pigeon Lake.”

Jesus, he’s really pissed about me calling him Pigeon. I’m such an idiot messing around with a King. He promised he wouldn’t kill or sacrifice me, but he didn’t promise not to leave me in the middle of nowhere.



Pulling us up as close as I can to the lake, I put my feet down letting my boots help us come to a stop. Maybelline’s arms still wrapped around me snugly, I think about just turning around and continuing the ride just so she won’t let go of me. The way her breasts press up against my back and just the idea of having her ride with me makes me feel things, strong foreign feelings.

Knowing better than getting attached, I turn the bike off and her arms pull away as does her body heat. Undoing her chin strap, she takes the helmet off and looks at me with wide doe eyes.

“Why are we here?” Her voice cracks with worry and I smile. Knowing she’s scared also does things to me. It makes my dick hard. Just by looking at her, I can tell what Ruin was talking about. She has this purity about her that you can’t help but be drawn to.

“I figured it would do you some good to let your hair down.” Rubbing my chin, I side-eye her waiting for her reaction. She blinks a few times as if what I said doesn’t make sense.

“You seem like the kinda girl that has always been put in the position of making adult decisions and doesn’t let loose. Instead of waiting up for your sister tonight, you’re out here with me doing nothin’”. I explain further and this seems to grab her attention, the moon reflects in her green eyes making them seem animal-like.

“Well considering my parents were junkies that locked my sister and me in a bedroom for a majority of our life, then died leaving me guardianship over Dime, yes, I would say I didn’t get to go out drinking with friends, or impulsively buy the new Chanel bag online because I had to pay property taxes,” she rambles until she’s out of air and has no choice but to take a breath.

“Yeah, everyone has a past.” I lean on my bike and lift my chin, my own wasn’t a fucking fairy tale and follows me to this day. “Dime is old enough to know what’s right and wrong, it’s time you get to experience a little wrong and not so much right, don’t you think?”

Crossing her arms, she looks away, the wind blowing in her face.

“Why do you even care?” Shaking her head, she looks back at me.

Shrugging, it’s my turn to break eye contact. We can talk about her but I’m not up for talking about me. I’m trying to forget everything about myself up to moving here.

“Like I said, we all have a past.”

She scoffs, her foot kicking some rocks in front of her.

“Let me guess, you’re the wrong one in this scenario and I’m just supposed to what, throw intelligence to the side and let you sweep me off my feet, knowing you won’t call back the next day?” A cute smirk pulls at her full lips, and the romantic in me wants to tell her yes, to let me court her and show her what a good time is, but let’s be real, I haven’t had anything serious since high school.

“I don’t know about sweeping you off your feet but taking you to my bed might be fun.” I wink and she blushes. Seeing how easily I affect her, I can’t help but think she’s a virgin.

“Tell me Maybelline, you a virgin?”

Slowly turning toward me, a sly grin on her face, she replies, “Tell me, Crow, have you ever actually been in love?”

I can’t help the roar of laughter that comes from me. For someone who has the reputation of a wallflower, I’m starting to think they meant she’s a Venus Fly Trap. Beautiful, but deadly.

“No, I can’t say that I have,” I finally reply.

She purses her lips, trying to bite back the smile on her face but she doesn’t tell me if she’s ever had sex or not and this makes me want her more. Pushing off the bike, I walk to her. She drops her arms from shielding her body and looks up at me with unreadable eyes. Firmly grasping her chin with my thumb and index finger, I tilt her chin up an inch more. The air around us thickens, the crickets in sync with one another and the moon the only witness to what’s happening right now.