“It’s fine.”

“Yeah, he wants something a little sweeter though.” Jinx chuckles, implying I want to fuck Maybelline.

Holding my arms outright, I shrug.

“What can I say, I like the innocent ones.”

“Too bad they don’t stay that way once we get ahold of them.” North winks and it occurs to me that I’m going to corrupt the girl next door. I’m an outlaw now, it’s what I do.




The speakers blare “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” by Pat Benatar. The boys are here, some pretty women, and the booze is stocked.

“Come on prospect, fight me!” North slaps me in the chest, a smile on his face as he sways to the side walking backward.

Grin on my face, I shake my head. “You’ve had one too many, wouldn’t be fair.”

“Qwwww, he knows I’ll whoop his ass!” North raises his hands in the air and everyone starts to hoot and holler.

“You know you gotta fight him now, right?” Bear says, standing next to me. “You’re a bitch if you don’t.”

Inhaling a sharp breath, I hand my beer to Bear.

“Hold my beer.” He laughs and takes it.

Grabbing the material of my shirt from my back. I pull it over my head and swipe my hair out of my face.

“Wait!” Chaos stands on a chair, grabbing the room’s attention, his voice barely heard over the music. “Take that shit outside!” He points to the doors.

North slaps at his chest and walks backward through the front door, everyone swarming around us to get outside. The warm air coats my skin with sweat and everyone gathers in a circle. I don’t know half the people here but they’re excited to see some action, and I’m thankful to be involved. Everyone sees the black leather cut and they instantly respect me even if I am just a prospect, they know not to fuck with me or they fuck with the whole club.

“Come on, prospect, I’ll even let you have the first shot!” Hunched over, North waves his hand at me to take my best shot.

“North, you’re about to get your ass kicked by a prospect.”

He laughs and I jab him in the chin making him shut up instantly and stumble.

“Holy shit!” I hear Bear say from behind me.

North brings his fingers to his lips looking for blood, his eyes surprised. He swings and I duck. North threw his whole body into that punch and because he missed he’s now behind me, so I kick back, hitting him in the back of the leg and he falls to his knees.

The crowd goes wild, and North is looking over his shoulder at me in bewilderment.

“I used to take—”

He rushes me and we both fly to the ground. Our boxing match turned into wrestling. I wrap my arm around his neck and he jabs me in the ribs with his elbow making me gasp for air, causing me to let go.

“Alright! That’s enough!” Chaos breaks through the crowd, his arms out wide.

Obeying my president, I let go of North immediately and stand up. North shakes his head and stands.

“Nice job.” Bear hands me my beer and I tilt it back, letting the suds coat my mouth in victory.

Just over the crowd, I see Maybelline walking with her sister, the wind blows her hair from her face and she crosses her arms in front of her chest. Her eyes looking over the commotion with a certain fear. She’s wearing some little white romper number and brown sandals. She looks fucking cute as hell.

“North, how you going to let a prospect beat your ass?” Chaos tilts his head to the side waiting for a reply and North laughs.

“Maybe I did have one too many.” He shrugs.

“Maybe you’re just a pussy,” Bear suggests and North flips him off before walking back toward the club with both his hands in the air like he won. He’s something else, but he’s a good brother to have around.

“Hey, look who’s here.” Bear nudges my arm and points with a beer in his hand right to Maybelline, Dime standing beside her talking to some guy with tattoos.

“I’ll catch you later,” I tell him.

“You better tap that!” he hollers and I just shake my head.

Making my way through the crowd, the music from the club carrying out the doors, I finally make it to Maybelline. Her eyes light up when she sees me, and that makes me feel some type of way. Standing in front of her, a sly smile across my face my hair falls into my eyes, and her eyes scan my chest. A twinkle of desire in her eyes making me lick my bottom lip.

“You made it.”

Her eyes flick to mine.

“Yeah, I thought we’d drop by.” She acts aloof as if her being here isn’t a big deal to her. I know she’s nervous though, I can see it in the way her hands fidget with each other.