Swallowing the lump in my throat, I push my braid off my chest and go to see what the asshole wants this time.


Two ravenous green eyes stare back at me, and I return the gesture with a smirk.

“‘Morning, Maybelline.”

“What do you want, Crow?” Her voice tight and unfriendly, a first really. Probably from last night, things got awkward fast.

The sound of heavy boots stomping from the back catch my attention, North and Jinx coming from the back. Maybelline spots them too and follows them with her eyes as they leave. What are they doing back there? Does Maybelline know?

“Bye guys,” she says, leaning over the counter watching them go.

“What was that about?” I ask, taking my attention from them to her.

She huffs, looking down at a dirty rag in her hands.

“I don’t know, you tell me what y’all keep in the basement.” Her green eyes finally meet mine. “Is it a drug dealer trying to come onto y’all’s turf?” Sarcasm high in her voice, her eyes squinted to give her sass the full effect. I don’t know anything about what’s in the basement but if I had to guess it’d be drugs.

“If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” Raising a brow, I hit her with my charm but it seems to roll right off her because she sighs and tosses the rag next to the register.

“What do you want, a drink? Muffin?”

Tilting my head to the side, I say, “Depends, did you bake the muffins?”

Her mouth parts in disbelief and I’m once again happy that I’ve offended her. Being an asshole does something for me. What can I say. Glancing in the glass that protects the baked goods I twist my lips to the side.

“They look less charred than usual, did Dime cook them?”

Something wet and soft hits me in the face and I catch it with my hands. The dirty rag, she threw it at me. I laugh, placing it back on the counter.

“I’ll take a coffee.”

Shaking her head, I notice her bite her cheek to keep from smiling. She thinks I’m funny even if she doesn’t want to admit it. Turning, she grabs a to-go cup and places it under a shiny silver spout.

“Is that the only reason you came here? For a coffee?” Looking over her shoulder at me a little bit of her hair falls into her eyes before she looks back at the cup filled with coffee. She places a top on it and hands it to me.

Taking it, the warmth in my hands, I try and think of what to say to her, something witty and asshole-ish but to be honest, there’s no way around telling her why I’m here. I want more time with her. I know it’s a bad idea, everything in my head told me what happened last night wasn’t good and could never happen again but I can’t get her out of my head either.

“The club is having a party tomorrow night, you should come.” Slowly my eyes lift to meet hers and her soft cheeks turn a shake pink, her full lips parting.

Even she knows this isn’t going to work, whatever this is. Maybe she’ll be the smart one and say no and I can move on.

Suddenly her sister slides over, nearly knocking Maybelline over, her hair matching her sister’s, but she wears more makeup than Maybelline.

“We’ll be there.” She smiles, answering for them both.

A small grin pulled at my lips. My ego happy that her outgoing sister stepped in and is making her wallflower Maybelline come.

“Be there by nine.” I wink and turn away.

Heading out of the coffee-smelling café, a hint of blueberry in the air, I pass a weird looking couple. A hippie and slim shady looking motherfucker. Hell, if they can make it work why can’t Maybelline and I have a few fun nights together? Outside, the heat is instantly hot and making my shirt stick to my back. The leather cut feels ten times heavier than seconds before and this cup of coffee isn’t helping. Taking a sip, the deep roast burning my tongue, I make my way across the street finding North and Jinx talking by their bikes in front of the club.

The coffee is good, Maybelline can make some fucking joe that is for sure but it’s too hot for it, so I tip it over and pour it out as I come closer to the brothers.

“The train shipment leaves this weekend. We don’t have a lot of product but what we have should make the buyers happy for now,” I hear Jinx say before shutting up when he sees me near.

Interesting, so there are drugs in the basement of Latte Da, and they’re being shipped out on the tracks this weekend.

“What’s the matter, don’t like the coffee?” North asks, eyeing the empty cup in my hand.