Two knocks sound on my front door and I tighten my robe.

“Who is it?” I know who it is. Why did I ask that?


A weird noise escapes my throat and I slap my hand over my mouth. Shit! Shit! Shit! Why’d I fucking write that?

“I’m a little busy right now,” I lie, not wanting to open the door and hear him say asshole things that make me more attracted to him.

“Doing what?” he says with doubt in his voice.

Thinking on my toes, I look around the room for an answer.

“Um…” My eyes land on some clippers on the counter Dime left out to clip her fake nails. “I’m clipping my toenails!”

Oh. My. God! I didn’t just say that. Rolling my eyes, I smack myself in the forehead.

“I mean—”

The door suddenly opens and my hand falls from my face, heart beating a mile a minute.

Walking into my house, the space suddenly feels small. His dark hair in his eyes, shirt tight around his biceps, and black leather cut making him look more dangerous. I take a couple steps back, wanting space between us.

He takes two large steps closing the space between us. I squeal, falling back onto my couch as he towers over me, glaring down at me like a feral animal.

“Get dressed,” his low rugged voice demands.

A quizzical look pulls at my face, and I sit up. I wasn’t expecting him to say that. I thought he’d call me a bitch, demand some kind of apology or something.

“W-why?” Tugging my sash around my waist, my head tilting to side-eye him.

Stepping away from me, he looks around my place, uninvited.

“Because, we’re going for a ride.”

Oh my God, he’s going to kill me. The guys at the club must have seen what I wrote on his cup and made fun of him and now he’s going to take me out of town and kill me.

“Get out or I’m calling the cops!” I reply.

His head snaps in my direction and I instantly regret saying that. Cops? That’s the last thing these guys want to hear, but I’m scared! I can barely breathe and my heart is hammering in my chest so hard I can barely think.

“Look, I’m sorry about the pigeon thing—”

“Shut up,” he cuts me off and my mouth snaps shut, my eyes widening.

This asshole!

“Don’t tell me to shut up!” Standing up, my knees wobbly from my terror, I cross my arms as if that’s going to protect me from this monster standing in front of me.

“Get dressed or I’m throwing you over my shoulder in that robe and making you go for a ride that way.” His finger gesturing to all of me.

“Where are we going?” My voice rattles, my eyes looking at the door as the thought of making a run for it crosses my mind.

Exhaling a loud breath, he runs his hand down his face as if I’m frustrating him.

“Just fucking put some clothes on and meet me out front!”

Standing there I know what I’m about to say is stupid but I’m asking it anyway.

“Promise you won’t kill me or take me to the club where you guys might practice some demonic stuff.”

His full lips surrounded by sexy scruff pull into a smirk, his face lightening into one of humor.

“Yeah.” He chuckles. “I promise I won’t kill you or sacrifice you to the club.”

Turning around, looking at him over my shoulder, knowing he wouldn’t tell me if he was going to kill me anyway, I have no choice but to put some clothes on. At least if I die, I won’t be in a bathrobe.

In my room, I stand there frozen, my fingers on my lips, I stare at the window. I can open it and crawl out, then I can run and… I don’t know, but I won’t have to go wherever Crow is wanting to take me. His club killed my parents for their own gain, selling them drugs after drugs until their bodies couldn’t take anymore. I’ve seen how cruel they can be. I mean, I know Ruin a little but not this guy, I have no idea what he’s capable of. Each member is their own species in that place. They scare me.

Climbing over my bed, I pull the blinds up, using my finger, I press in the latches on both sides of the window and jerk it up. Shit, there’s a screen. Screw it, using my foot, I kick it out. Turning around, I start to shimmy myself down, waiting for my toes to touch cool grass, my eyes on the bedroom door. My robe gets caught around my waist, my legs dangling and ribs bruising from the pressure.


Screaming, I pull myself back into the room, losing my balance and falling off the bed.

“What the hell!?” Slapping the floor, pissed that he scared me and knew I would try to escape. Standing up, I glare out the window, but he’s gone. Oh shit, where’d he go? Both hands on the windowsill, I look around hoping maybe he left, but then I hear hard falling boots in my hallway.