I mentally roll my eyes again. There he goes with his do-gooder attitude. My annoyance makes the darkness stir inside my chest. I want to feed, which is a bit strange since I just did a handful of days ago when Porter went to feed as well. And while Porter feeds off of living things, I get my blood from the undead underground black market. In fact, I’ve never actually drank from anything living. Not that I haven’t thought about it. I have. A lot. And I came close to doing so once, the day right after the link was altered and Sky was lying on my lap. It was as if the link magnified the scent of her blood and Gods, I wanted a bite.

As my throat burns, I shove thoughts of Sky and the scent of her blood out of my mind the best that I can. “I might know someone who can help me figure out why my powers aren’t fixing the link,” I say to no one in particular. “But to talk to them, I’ll have to go to the fey world.”

Holden and Max frown at the mention of the fey world, but Porter’s eyes light up.

“I’ll go with you,” Porter offers, pushing away from the doorframe and strolling toward the center of the room.

“All right.” I rise to my feet, figuring Max and Holden will stay behind since they aren't fans of the fey.

“I’m going too,” Max announces, surprising the hell out of me. When I lift my brows, he adds, “I want to make sure this is done correctly.”

“What? Don’t you trust Porter and I to do it?” I ask with a hint of amusement.

“No,” he replies then glances at Holden. “Are you coming?”

Holden lets out a tired sigh. “I guess if everyone else is.”

Grinning, Porter rubs his hands together. “I guess we’re taking a little family vacation to the fey world.”

I smile, but it’s a bit forced. Deep down, I have this unsettling feeling I might not be able to fix the link. And then what? All of my brothers and I will have to remain permanently linked to Sky, a girl none of us besides Foster can ever really be with. Yeah, that’s going to work out fantastically.

And besides, I don’t want to be tied to anyone. Not that I want Sky to be unprotected, but the link was supposed to exist simply to protect her. Now it’s all messed up, the energy unbalanced and our powers and feelings are more connected to Sky’s than they should be and vice versa. It’s complicated everyone’s feelings toward her, mine included, and it’s making me crave her in a way that makes me feel very uncomfortable, as if I could lose control at any moment. And the more I feel this way, the more the darkness—the thirst living inside my veins wants to devour her. I’ve never felt this out of control over my curse and it’s pissing me off. I want things to go back to how they were, where I rarely let myself feel anything, where I knew I wouldn’t end up biting someone.

Where I didn’t think about biting Sky all the damn time.


My main goal in life used to be trying not to set off my powers. But ever since I met the Porterson brothers, my new main goal in life is… Well, where do I start? Attempting to learn how to open up a controlled portal? Controlling my temper when Easton gripes for the umpteenth time that we’re being “sooo boring.” Or, and the most strangest, trying to figure out why I feel guilty every time Foster tries to kiss me. He’s only done it twice, and both times I felt so guilty that I had to stop the kiss while trying not to look like a spazz, but I’m certain he’s starting to wonder what’s wrong with me. I know I am.

“What do you think about having pizza for dinner?” Foster asks me as he rummages through the fridge in the small kitchen attached to the quaint living room.

The place we’re staying at is in the world of Enchantment, also known as the elemental enchanter world. The power that flows through it also pumps through my veins. The world consists of a total of about fifty acres with one home, a single story cabin with shutters and a wraparound porch. It’s the only house in this world, which sounds weird, but up until I opened a portal to it a handful of days ago, no one thought it existed anymore. Now we’re stuck here until I can obtain enough control over my powers to open up a secured portal or else we risk the god of darkness getting inside and getting ahold of me. So far, though, my powers are wonky at best and I haven’t been able to do it, even with Foster and Easton’s help.

We have opened up a few portals but we had to seal them back up because they weren’t secure. Luckily nothing managed to sneak through them, but I worry that I might eventually mess up and the god of darkness will get ahold of me, something that can never happen since I’m the power source for the elemental enchanter god, something I can still barely wrap my mind around. I mean, what am I exactly? Just power? Or am I actually a creature with blood pumping through my veins?

I glance down at my arm, at the veins mapping my skin. It seems like I’m as real as any other creature or person, but still—

“Sky?” Foster’s voice wrenches me from my thoughts.

I blink at him. “Huh?”

Concern creases between his brows. “I asked if pizza sounded good for dinner… Are you okay? You seem distracted.”

“I’m fine,” I assure him. “And pizza sounds good.”

He nods, still appearing worried, but doesn’t say anything and starts working on dinner. I debate whether or not I have enough energy to get up and help him. I know I should, but I’m exhausted.

Easton and I are currently lounging in the sofas with our feet kicked up on the coffee table. I’ve been practicing using my powers all day and I can’t find the energy to get off my ass.

“Bro, for the love of Gods, no more pizza,” Easton gripes with a dramatic groan.

“I wasn’t asking for your opinion,” Foster says in a clipped tone. “I was asking Sky.”

Easton and Foster, who are the youngest of the Porterson brothers, and are the same age as me, have been stuck in this world with me, for about a week and with each passing day, Foster is getting more impatient with East.

The two of them are twins but look and act completely unalike. Where Easton has chin-length blonde hair, silver eyes, and a sarcastic personality, Foster has short dark hair and lightning blue eyes that are similar to mine, but more vibrant in my opinion. Foster has a more serious personality than East, who’s constantly joking around. Their facial features are alike, though, they both have tattoos, and like to dress in dark colored clothing, but other than that, they’re pretty different. They argue a lot, but usually it’s in a sarcastic way. Lately, though, it’s been different. Foster is getting annoyed with East. And I didn’t arrive at this conclusion simply by observing them. I’ve felt Foster’s irritation leaking down the link I have with Foster, Easton, and their four brothers, Hunter, Holden, Max, and Porter, who I haven’t seen since we got stuck in this world. Not that it should bother me. I barely know them, yet I find myself missing them, which is so weird and confusing.

“What?” I ask when I notice Foster giving me a strange, almost disappointed look.