He presses his lips together and shakes his head. “So pizza sounds good to you?”

Why is he looking at me like that? “Yeah, pizza’s fine.” I start to get up. “I’ll help you cook it.”

He motions for me to sit back down. “I can put it in the oven. You need to rest. You’ve used your powers a lot today.”

“She has,” Easton agrees. Then his lips quirk with mischief. “You know what you need?”

I shake my head. “Nope. Whatever it is, I’m not doing it.”

His smirk broadens. “How can you dismiss my idea when you haven’t even heard it?”

I rotate in the sofa, bringing my knee up onto the cushion. “Because I’ve learned over the last week that when you smirk, you’re about to start trouble.”

He wipes the smirk off his face, but a sparkle remains evident in his silvery eyes. “What smirk?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “The smirk you just wiped off your face.”

He sweeps strands of his blond hair away from his forehead and bats his eyelashes innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Liar,” I accuse, but I’m struggling not to smile.

He typically has that effect on me, can annoy me to no end, yet I still find him amusing. Not that I’d ever admit that aloud. If I did, he’d probably tease me more than he already does.

He fakes a pout with his lip jutted out. “Wow, lightning eyes, you’re cruel.”

“I’d apologize if I actually thought you were hurt.”

His grin slips through. “I’m totally hurt.”

I resist an eye roll. “Yeah, that goofy smile on your face sure makes you look hurt.

He fakes being shocked, pressing a hand to his chest. “My grins aren’t goofy. They’re sexy.”

I roll my eyes so damn hard they just about get stuck in my head.

“You know what? Just for that.” His grin turns wicked then he reaches for me, as if he’s about to grab me, but then green light illuminates across his skin.

Water suddenly pours over my head, soaking my hair and shirt.

I let out a squeal. “Holy crap, that’s cold.”

He grins, totally entertained with himself. “Serves you right for calling my grins goofy.”

I wipe the water off my face with the back of my hand, but the water is already dripping to the sofa and soaking the cushion. “So that’s how you want to play, huh?” I put on a devious smirk.

His eyes glint with a dare as he reclines back in the sofa with his hands tucked behind his head. “Show me what you’ve got, badass.”

“She needs to take it easy,” Foster intervenes, annoyance lacing his tone.

Easton winks at me. “The boss has spoken. Guess you can’t play anymore.”

I probably should sit back and take it easy, but I’m not about to let Easton win this one. I use Foster’s interruption to my advantage, moving to sit back in the sofa like I’m going to give up, but then at the last second, I dive toward Easton, using my power to form a snowball in the palm of my hand. Easton has zero time to react as I throw the snowball at his face.

He gapes at me with wide eyes. “Well, holy shit, I did not see that coming.” He wipes the snow off his face with the sleeve of his grey shirt. “You know what? I was right. You’re cruel.”

“Like you aren’t.” I give a pressing glance down at the wet spots that are on the front of my shirt. “If you can’t—”

Water rains down on me, drenching my hair and face.