Nathaniel could only blink his response.

James motioned behind him. “I would be much obliged if you would direct me to her place of residence. I’ve come here on urgent business and I must speak with her directly.”

Urgent business?

A horrible thought struck Nathaniel’s mind like a blow from a hammer. Could Higley be here to propose? Again? Not possible.

James grinned wide, as if he expected Nathaniel to comply with his request at any moment. Nathaniel kept his lips tightly pressed so the sneer that twitched at his mouth wouldn’t be exposed. Why must the man be so jolly? ‘Twasn’t as if they were friends. Nay, they were rivals. And not only politically... His stomach rolled to a halt at his feet.

Did Kitty really have feelings for this man? From what he’d read in James’s letter she hadn’t completely disregarded him, in fact, had given him “hope”.

“James?” Kitty’s startled voice peeled across the churchyard. She moved toward them with almost as much shock on her face as Nathaniel felt. Her dainty mouth hung open and her sparkling eyes turned a shade of green that nearly matched Higley’s own emerald stare.

James swept his hat around in a wide arch and bowed, never taking his gaze off her, then placed the hat back on his head. “Kitty, you are too beautiful for words.”

Nathaniel crunched down on his cheek to keep from growling. Kitty? How dare this man be so familiar with her?

His chest burned from within and his jaw ached from clenching when James took her hand and pressed it against his mouth. “It seems years since I have seen you.”

“James, I... I hardly know what to say.” She pressed a hand to her chest and released an airy giggle. “’Tis such a surprise. What brings you to Sandwich?”

James took a step closer, his tone smooth and deep. “Why, you bring me here.” James’s eyes trailed over her from head to feet and back up again, flitting quickly across her mouth. The spark in Nathaniel’s chest turned to a raging blaze and he curled his fists.

“I bring you here?” Her cheeks pinked and she lowered her chin with a coy smile.

Nathaniel pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. Was her smile richer than normal or could it be only his imagination? Had she not smiled such when he’d met her at the cabin? Or after their kiss?

He shifted his feet and twitched his shoulders. Gads. What was wrong with him? He’d never been one to think the worst of people, and here he was judging the woman he loved. Nathaniel brewed over the thought as his gaze trailed over his opponent another time.

James removed the pompous hat and tucked it under his arms. “I’ve been sent here on business.”

Kitty tilted her head. “Business?”

“Quite urgent I must say, but let us not talk of such things here.”

Kitty turned toward Nathaniel and her smile brightened. “I see you have met my good friend, Dr. Nathaniel Smith.” She motioned between the two of them.

“Aye, I have had the pleasure.” James started speaking but Nathaniel closed his ears to all but the sound of the rain gathering in the clouds. How long must he endure this? The stifling humidity not only sucked the sweat from his pores, it sucked the very tolerance from his bones.

While James continued on Nathaniel squirmed, eager for this moment to find an end so he could take Kitty in his arms, lead her away and kiss her again, thereby removing all other men from her mind. Forever.

Suddenly the truth socked Nathaniel in the gut with such force he nearly coughed.

His gaze jumped between the two. Not only was James dashing, good-looking, wealthy and from a well-known family, he was a Tory. Nathaniel’s heart stopped until both his soul and his body were void of feeling.

He rubbed his hand over his mouth, breathing through his nose to calm his pulse. So, this is what Kitty had evaded sharing with him all these many weeks.

Her heart did not belong to him. It belonged to James.

He reeled from the blow and tried to control his wild pulse. What a fool he had been. What a blind fool!

James looked down at Kitty, his expression dripping with desire. Nathaniel curled his fists as the muscles in his back flexed. All this time he’d been pouring out h

is soul, giving the best of himself and she’d only pretended?

He ignored the invisible hand that slapped him for such slander. Deep in the crevices of his cracked soul, he wanted, wished, hoped such a thing wasn’t true, but how could it not be?

James asked Nathaniel a question and he nodded in response to whatever it was. He dared a glance at Kitty and her tender expression nailed his heart to his ribs. The yearning in her fathomless eyes only pressed the agony deeper.