A bitter laugh surged upward but he killed it in his throat. Such irony. Thomas had nearly lost Eliza to a Redcoat, but in the end he’d won his prize. Now, Nathaniel had fallen in love with a woman who had turned him down to go running into the waiting arms of the enemy.

Chapter Thirty

Will he not return my smile?

Kitty did her best to capture Nathaniel’s attention, but his eyes darted everywhere but near her own.

She cleared her throat and turned to James. “What business brings you here, James? I didn’t know the army cared for such a small town.”

“Our good king cares about every province, no matter its size, though there are many who choose to believe otherwise.”

Kitty darted a look at Nathaniel, knowing full well what thoughts must be racing through his head, for the same thoughts also ran through hers. At one time, James’s sentiments might have been strangely comforting, but now they burned, making her ache all the more to lay bare her soul to the man she loved.

But he didn’t look at her. He only chewed the inside of his lip and stood motionless, his arms held rigid at his sides, fists tight. She’d never seen him so uncomfortable.

James continued, cupping her elbow. “Let us not talk of business, but center our attentions on something more pleasant.” He nodded his chin in the direction of town. “Sandwich is lovely, Kitty, I can see now why you would want to trade Boston for this place.” He winked and the teasing in his tone brought a smile to her lips, but did nothing to her heart.

Her cheeks heated and she lifted her lashes hoping Nathaniel would see the flush in her face, but he looked away, his chest lifting and lowering a bit too much. A biting twinge nipped at her conscience. This chance encounter would certainly not ease her forthcoming revelation.

In a swift move, Nathaniel bowed. “I must be going.”

Mindless of the impropriety, Kitty lunged for Nathaniel and tugged on his arm. “Wait!” She turned to James. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I must speak with Dr. Smith. I won’t be long.”

Nathaniel’s glare hit Kitty like the back of his hand. She touched his arm, waiting for the tenderness she knew so well in his eyes, but it never surfaced. Swallowing, she pulled away and knit her fingers in front of her stomacher, trying to flood her voice with jesting. “You mustn’t go yet, you promised to speak with me, or don’t you remember?”

He looked behind her and nudged his chin upward. “’Twould seem you’ve already found someone else with whom to speak.”

Kitty frowned. “What troubles you, Nathaniel, you are not yourself.”

“Am I not?” The animosity ran thick and circled her neck. He tossed a cold glance over her shoulder before turning away.

All the strength left her limbs. She stepped forward and braved another tug on his sleeve as she filled her voice with as much weight as it would carry. “Nathaniel, please. There’s something I must tell you and it cannot wait.”

He stopped and stared at her over his broad shoulder. “I know what it is you wish to tell.”

What? How? She shrunk back, her heart collapsing within her chest. “You do?”

His mouth pressed tight. “I do.”

“Oh... I... I see.” She looked away, her mind swimming. So he knew. Somehow he knew what she’d done.

She smiled and ached for him to hold her in his arms, tell her he knew it had all been forced upon her and that he loved her anyway.

But he didn’t.

“’Tis time for me to return home.” The finality of his words pushed her back.

Biting her cheek to keep from crying, she nodded. “But you will come for supper. I want to explain myself. I want to tell what I’ve just now come to understand—”

“Good day.” He tipped his hat and turned away. She stared at his back as he left, her heart crawling after him. Please don’t hate me!

Tears burned her eyes but she batted them away. After her actions, she deserved his disdain.

A warm hand came to her back and she quickly dotted her eyes before facing the man she knew had come to her side. “Forgive me James, I didn’t mean to neglect you.”

“No apology necessary.” He took her hand. “Anyone could forgive you anything, Kitty.”

She looked to where Nathaniel had gone. If only that were true.