Nathaniel and Eliza spoke to her, but their voices melded into a strange cacophony, jumping around her and weaving in and out. Pressing back against the bed, her mind worked desperately to locate a solution, but there was none. None except deception.

Trembling, the unbidden threats seeped into her memory. Every Saturday at two in the afternoon, there will be a package waiting for you on the back porch of Newcomb Tavern. You must retrieve it, and deliver it to the specified location within the hour. If you do not, someone you hold dear will happen upon an untimely accident. If I suspect you have spoken of what you know, the consequences will be beyond comprehension.


to her, Nathaniel removed a leaf from her hair, drawing her away from the frightful memory. The kindness in his eyes drew another tear down her cheek. He will surely hate me now.

She pressed a hand to her mouth as an added guard against the words that crouched on her tongue, ready to spring from her lips the minute she opened them. Moving closer yet again, Nathaniel removed the hand from her mouth and clutched it between his. His voice rippled around her like the gentle laps of water along a riverbank, soothing and cool against the burning pain in her chest.

Brow creased, he lowered his chin. “Whatever has happened you needn’t be ashamed to say.”

Eliza leaned in, her tone quiet and smooth. “Has someone... has someone used you ill, Kitty?”

Blinking, Kitty tried to place her sister’s meaning when suddenly her understanding cleared. “Nay, nay, ‘tis nothing like that. I...” Tears burned and her throat ached. How she wanted to tell!

A look of disbelief etched into Nathaniel’s brow, as if he was unsure whether to accept her tale. “So no one took advantage of you?”

“No one.” Not in the way you think. Kitty bit her cheek to keep from sobbing. How could she possibly keep such a secret from the ones she loved? Yet, the ramifications for divulging what she knew were too great. Cyprian’s threats were real. She had seen the poison in his eyes, tasted the gall of his hatred.

Clearing her throat, Kitty swallowed the words she yearned to share and focused on the bits of truth she could divulge. “I stumbled down an embankment and became lost in the dark.”

She stopped, flinging a quick glance at her companions. Did they believe her? Unable to distinguish any affirmation from their expressions, she continued. “I must have hit my head because... because I don’t remember any more.”

“Kitty, please. We are not so foolish as to believe that.” Nathaniel shook his head and his breathing turned rough. “You don’t get those kinds of marks on your face from falling. Someone hit you. Who was it?” The anger in his voice didn’t match the welling concern that turned his hazel eyes deep brown. “Don’t be afraid to tell. Whoever did this, I vow, will never harm you again.”

Kitty’s throat swelled until she feared her emotions would flow out like a toppled vessel. Perhaps not I, but he might harm Thomas or Eliza—or you. Kitty tried to smile and pumped her voice with sincerity. “No one hurt me, Nathaniel.”

He jerked back and his face scrunched. “Do you think I can’t distinguish between the mark of an intended injury and an accident?”

Eliza reached over Kitty and touched his arm. “Nathaniel—”

He pushed off the bed. “Eliza, I’m a doctor. I witness these types of injuries more often than I care to admit.” He pinned his searching eyes on Kitty once more. “I know you’ve been hit. And I want to know who did it.”

The ropes of panic pulled tight around Kitty’s chest. “Nathaniel, please, you must believe me!”

“This is ludicrous.” Nathaniel threw the bloodied cloth into the water bucket and marched to the door. “Someone’s attacked you and I’m going to find out who it was.” Turning to Eliza, he gripped the doorframe. “Her wounds are stable. Stay with her and finish cleaning and wrapping her cuts.”

“Where are you going?” Kitty’s voice cracked, tears dripping from her chin. “Please Nathaniel, don’t. You won’t find anyone.”

His jaw hardened. “We’ll see about that.”

Chapter Six

Nathaniel marched down the stairs and plunged outside just as Thomas raced to the house. Even in the darkness, Nathaniel could see the look of dread on his friend’s face.

“Did you find her? Is she all right?”

“I found her. But she is not all right.”

“What do you mean?” Thomas froze then dashed for the door.

“Hold on.” Nathaniel shut the door, leaving them both on the stoop. “I need to talk to you.”


“It appears she’s been attacked.”

“Attacked?” The drop in Thomas’s tone revealed he too was struck by the images of Eliza’s horrible injury last year. “How bad? Why won’t you let me go to her?”