He set the lamp on the table and spun toward the door, grinding his teeth. “Eliza!”

“I’m here.” She rushed in, bucket and rags in hand. “Kitty! What happened?” Immediately rushing to the other side of the bed, Eliza embraced her sister.

Kitty’s chin quivered as she fell into Eliza’s arms, but still made no reply to the question that had now been put to her more times than a few.

Nathaniel yanked a cloth from Eliza’s grasp. “No matter how you protest, Kitty, I do plan on attending to your wounds and I expect you to endure it.” He teased. Partly. “Sit back and let me examine you properly.”

Kitty pulled away from her sister and sat still, her shoulders slumped against the wood. “I’ve told you, Nathaniel, I’m—”


Kitty stared, her mouth still half open.

Nathaniel hadn’t meant his response to bite. After inhaling and releasing a heavy breath, Nathaniel met her red-rimmed gaze. With a soft smile he hoped would mitigate the tension that abounded, he quieted his voice. “You will allow me to examine you, Kitty, or I fear I shall need to tie you to the bed.”

Kitty looked down without even the whisper of a smile, as he’d hoped his continued teasing might produce. Why won’t you say what happened? He ground his teeth and wetted the fabric before starting to clean the gash on Kitty’s cheekbone when he noticed the trail of blood on her arm. Blast! How many injuries did she have?

“Will she be all right?” Eliza’s typically even voice wavered when she questioned him as if Kitty were not present.

Nathaniel looked back at Eliza and felt his worry spike at the concern in her face. He couldn’t voice the full measure of his worries. Not yet. For that, Thomas would need to be present. For if indeed his worst fears were realized, and she had been violated, they would discuss privately how to find and exterminate the demon.

He continued to gently dot the cloth against Kitty’s face and breathed deeper. No stitches were required. Thank the Lord.

Kitty rested against the headboard once more and pressed her eyes shut. Taking slow, deliberate breaths, she clutched her sister’s hand while Eliza gently brushed her fingers back and forth along Kitty’s grip.

Finally he could take the quiet no longer. He dropped his hands in his lap and leaned forward until his closeness forced her to look at him.

“You must tell us what happened. Now.”


Kitty looked away, unable to bear the way Nathaniel’s gaze seemed intent on extracting the truth from her whether she relinquished it or not.

She shut her eyes once again. Throbbing pain. Everywhere.

Kitty reached up to press her palm to her head, but stopped when the slash in her arm protested. She scrunched her eyes then pulled them open, blinking to try and clear the pain enough to make sense of the ordeal she’d just endured. She grimaced as her teeth crunched on the remaining bits of bitter dirt in her mouth. Had it really happened? She pressed her lips tight to stop her chin from quivering when the reality slapped her memory just as Cyprian had slapped her face.

“Please, Kitty,” Eliza pleaded. “We want to help you, dearest.”

Nathaniel inched closer, dabbing the cool rag under her eye. He didn’t meet her gaze this time and kept silent, though the tick in his jaw and the harshness of his breath witnessed his concern. Her stomach flipped upside down when his fingers brushed against her cheek. Looking straight ahead, Kitty focused on the folded blanket at the end of the bed, so her wayward vision wouldn’t be tempted to trace the determined lines around Nathaniel’s eyes.

He tipped her chin upward, examining her nose. Even though his volume stayed quiet, a loaded anger rumbled past the calm. “Whoever did this to you had a heavy hand.”

Heart racing, the terrible memories bludgeoned her anew and she stared, fighting against the emotions that threatened to strangle the breath from her chest.

Iron hands.

Threats. Demands.

Every thought choked her like the enemy’s haunting grip.

“What is it?” Nathaniel leaned closer, the lines in his brow deepening as he cupped her shoulders with his strong but gentle fingers. “What happened, Kitty?” His voice held back the urgent question that exploded in his eyes.

Kitty darted a look at Eliza, whose lips were drawn, but pulled up at the sides as if the presence of a smile would somehow bring comfort and ease the words from Kitty’s lips. Dear Lord, what do I do?

Her body trembled and a tear trailed over her cheek, but she pressed her lips tight, guarding the truth that struggled for release. Cyprian’s words thundered. If you expose our plan, the consequences will be—

Slamming the door to the memory, Kitty cut off the horrid words before they could bring more tears. She closed her eyes and covered her face, wishing she could as easily shield her mind from the wrenching reality. Her chin quivered ever more as the horror of the night’s attack swirled around her, consuming the room and transforming it into the cold, black clearing where the magazine looked on like another helpless victim.