“What if I told you I didn’t need security tonight?” She had to be joking. There was no way in hell I was leaving her alone.

“I wouldn’t leave even if you did say it. I’m not taking my eyes off of you for a very long time, so get used to it.”

“I usually don’t like it when you take control and tell me what will and won’t happen in my house, but tonight, you’re the boss.” She cozied up to me, taking both my hands in hers. “Can I tell you a secret, Bruiser?”

“Yeah, and I hope I’m ready for this.” I eyed her suspiciously because I couldn’t read her expression.

“When I think about everything that has happened over the past few months, I realize that I fell for you when I first saw you throw Van over your shoulders like he was your son. I just didn’t want to admit it, but that was kind of hot.”


p; I laughed. “You hid your feelings good. You fought me at every turn when all I wanted to do was make sure you were shielded from people like him. Yet, your carefreeness was what made me let my guard down at the wedding.”

“I know. It was beautiful seeing you let go even when I was dealing with Van’s psychotic ass, and I should have been more careful.”

I cupped her face in my hands. “No. You did nothing wrong. Besides, you being carefree is what I love about you. Let me be careful enough for both of us.”

Her smile slipped away as she swallowed hard. “So, do you think we can make it?”

My love was worried if we’d stand the test of time, but she shouldn’t be.

“Baby, we’re going to. We have to make it.”

“Or what?”

“Or I won’t. You’re my heartbeat.”

Arising from the chair, I stood up and held out my hand to Alise. She stood, and I gathered her up in my arms and squeezed her so tight that I never wanted to let go.

“Ouch, Bruiser. You’re going to break my back. Whew. I don’t think you know your strength,” she said.

“Well, I have to build my strength back up with all that you’ve been taking from me this past month.” I smiled. “And, you sound just like someone very special to me. She would be happy to know I found a woman to squeeze tight, make mine, and to make her some grandbabies with,” I said, thinking of my mother.

She tilted her head to the side. “Who is this special woman?”

There was definitely a wrong answer to that question.

Luckily, I had the right one. “My mother.”

“Well, I’ll have to meet her one day.”

“You took the words out of my mouth. We probably need to talk about a few things concerning my family, but for tonight, I just want to hold you in my arms and keep you in bed for a very long time.” I ran my finger over the contours of her face. “Are you ready for bed, Alise?”

That grin I loved to see on her came back. “Lead the way.”



Once we entered the room, Bruiser ran his hands down my sides ever so gently. He made purposeful, slow movements as he touched me, massaging every inch of my body he could reach as I stood in front of him. This was a much gentler and attentive Bruiser, and I liked the way he took his time to appreciate me tonight.

Laying across the bed, I placed both hands palm down on it, watching him strip while waiting for him to do the same to me. Perusing his body as he undressed, time stood still. Moonbeams sneaking in through the window behind him framed his sculptured physique, casting an angelic glow around his form. This man was my angel, at least, an avenging one that people should be afraid to fuck with.

I knew he would kill for me again.

He vanished from view only to appear on the other side of the bed above my head. His presence was enough to suck the air right out of me. I inhaled sharply but couldn’t force air back into my lungs. As a last resort, I breathed him in. He bent over me to run his lips down mine, scattering my senses to the four corners of the room.

Yearning the full experience of his mouth on mine, I tipped my chin up. His hands glided down the sides of my neck, his tongue dipping in and out of my lips at a snail’s pace. Shit, he was taking his time tonight. His leisurely pace was blowing my mind and frustrating my body that craved his. Needing him now, I reached up to take what I wanted. Grasping his head brought it closer to mine, his mouth in ravaging range. He clutched my wrists in his hands, directing them back down to the bed.