I groaned, “Bruiser—”

“We’re not rushing tonight, sweetheart,” he cut in. “I need to feel you, make sure every inch of you is perfect and real.” He was likely as traumatized about my abduction, needed to know that I was truly okay, alive. Van didn’t get that pleasure with his Raven, and it broke him. Bruiser would never be broken like that if I had anything to do with it, so we would do this night his way. “So, lay back, Alise. Relax. Let me love you.”


His love seemed to be everything I had looked for and couldn’t find, but it was here now. It took a madman to kidnap me to realize life was fragile and real love scarce. I’d be a fool to not grab it while it was here for the taking. So, I called upon all my patience and let him love me. He placed soft pecks along my body, from top to bottom as he removed my nightgown, loving every inch of my skin with his mouth. I was a trembling mess when he stopped and orbited the bed to line his body atop mine.

Driving inside me inch by inch, his shaft grazed hypersensitive places even I didn’t know were inside me. Fires ignited in my soul that I suspected would burn for him forevermore. Riptides of emotions built to the point that I did whatever was necessary to release the pressure. I came and cried, tears slipping silently down my face. What man could live up to this after Bruiser? None I knew already, and no one I’d likely ever meet.

Cradling his face in my hands as he drove into me, I murmured, “Thank you.”

His tongue lapped lightly at my lips as he withdrew. “For what, baby?”

“For loving me, rescuing me in more ways than one.” This girl was prepared to spend her life alone, when not amongst friends and fans, after I’d been let down so many times.

“It’s what I’m here for, what I’m made for, and you’re made for me.” He gently stroked the tip of my nose with his, the tender gesture inciting a surge of feelings that quickly overwhelmed me. Sometimes, the smallest things made the biggest impact.

And then, there were the big things like his pole sinking into my depths, wreaking hell on my core.

“Shit, that’s deep!” My nails raked across his spine as I began the climb to bliss.

Again, he bottomed out in me, stealing my ability to do anything but feel him going savage slowly on my body. I fell over the edge before I knew it. Bruiser went right behind me, blaspheming my name as if him not being able to prevent his own climax was my fault. Well, I hoped it was—my body caught up in a whirlwind of pleasure sure as hell was his.

He sank into me over and over again, through the storms raging within us. He was the storm, which explained how he could move when my limbs were constricted around him like a snake. Shamelessly, I was using him as an anchor to the earth, and he was proving more than capable for the job.

When my orgasm was done inflicting havoc on my body, I released him, falling back to the bed. After that lovemaking, more places in me were healed from the Van incident than damaged. This was what Bruiser and I both needed. Somehow, he knew it. One more reason to love this man forevermore.

Chapter Fourteen


Irrevocably Yours

7:48 a.m.

“Who is calling so early?” Bruiser groaned, sounding just as frustrated as I felt. “Alise, wake up, babe. Your phone has been buzzing for a while now.”

Untangling my legs from Bruiser’s, I reached over for the phone to answer it, noticing the time. “Oh, my God, Jayne! Can I get a little rest here, please?”

“Yeah, me too. We both need rest,” Bruiser echoed. He inched to the edge of the bed, then got up and walked to the bathroom. I missed his warmth as soon as he left me. I wanted it back.

“I’m up and suffering, Alise, so I figured my best friend in the world should be too. Isn’t that what best friends are for? And I see your bodyguard is shielding you in the bedroom too, these days,” Jayne teased.

I wasn’t in the mood for jokes. “You know I’ve never hung up on you before, but after the day I had yesterday, I deserve a little rest, don’t you think?” I huffed.

“Okay, okay. I just wanted your advice on something.”

“Shoot.” If this was about Ned, I swore…

“I was supposed to hook up with Xander later today, but I have to call our date off because my period came on. I hate being a woman.” Jayne whined, sounding completely devastated by her monthly visitor. She was suffering at least, and it wasn’t about Ned, so I sat in the bed to do my best friend job; comfo

rt her in her time of need.

“Xander will just have to wait a few more days to get some,” I said, still unable to believe they were a couple.

Jayne and Xander were livewires who would probably each be with someone else by the end of the week. Xander’s reputation preceded him, showing that he would sleep with any hot little thing that came along. And Jayne would probably be crying on my shoulder about Ned before the week was out. Neither were reliable choices for a mate.

“It’s not Xander that I’m worried about. I’ve been hanging out with him for a month, and we still haven’t done anything but play the game. Tonight, I was going to tell him to shit or get off the pot. Now, I’m on the damn rag. The period gods could have given me one more day, but no, it came a day early.” It was her that she was worried about getting some.