‘Don’t bother on my account.’ Sebastien resumed his seat on the bar stool. ‘I think you look charming just as you are. Rio has explained that your arm is broken,’ he said sympathetically.

Lia was sure, from the conversation she had overheard, that Sebastien de la Cruz was well aware of exactly how she had broken her arm. Or rather, how it had been broken for her.

Now that she was no longer in excruciating pain, and the effects of the painkillers had worn off a little, she was aware of the shock of exactly what David had done to her. Of what else he had threatened to do to her if she didn’t back off.

She really hadn’t known the true David at all until last night.

She gave a grimace in answer to Sebastien’s comment. ‘It could have been worse.’

‘So I understand.’ He nodded. ‘I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this.’

‘The princess had to be woken by the frog some time. It’s what my father called me,’ she explained emotionally as both men looked at her. ‘His princess.’

A princess he had protected from seeing or hearing any of the harsh realities of life. Until he’d died from the strain of trying to protect her from the harshest reality. Well, Lia was well and truly awake to all those realities now—she had the plaster cast on her broken arm to prove it.

‘I will accompany you to your bedroom and help you into your robe,’ Gregorio announced into the silence.

Lia turned her frowning attention on him. ‘I haven’t had any coffee yet.’

‘Because I have not poured you any. Nor will I do so until you are wearing your robe.’

‘I’m perfectly decent as I am.’ The nightshirt covered her from her neck to a couple of inches above her knees.

‘I will be the judge of that.’ His mouth was thin, his dark eyes glittering.

Lia gave a squeak of protest as Gregorio grasped her shoulders and turned her in the direction of the hallway and her bedroom, walking her forward in front of him. ‘I can walk unassisted!’

‘Then do so.’ He released her, but his presence behind her continued her impetus out of the kitchen.

‘What is wrong with you?’ Lia demanded impatiently once they were outside in the hallway.

His eyes narrowed. ‘You are virtually naked in front of a complete stranger.’

‘He’s your brother, for goodness’ sake.’

‘And you met him for the first time five minutes ago—which makes him a stranger to you.’

‘“Virtually naked” would be wearing only my underwear,’ Lia defended. ‘And I don’t remember you complaining the last time I was in your suite dressed like that,’ she challenged.

Gregorio could feel that nerve pulsing in his cheek again—a common occurrence, it seemed, when he was with this stubbornly determined woman. ‘And I would not complain if you were to be dressed like that again—as long as the two of us were alone together when you were.’

‘Sebastien didn’t seem to mind the way I’m dressed,’ she taunted.

His lids narrowed to slits. ‘If you are trying to annoy me you are succeeding!’

Lia snorted. ‘I obviously don’t have to try very hard.’

Gregorio frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Never mind.’ She shook her head before turning to continue walking down the hallway.

Gregorio caught up with her as she reached her bedroom. ‘What did you mean by that remark?’ he repeated as he followed her inside.

She turned to face him. ‘I’m obviously nothing more than a nuisance to you. Even more so now that your brother has arrived.’

Lia was so much more to Gregorio than a nuisance. More than he was prepared to admit. Even to himself.
