He scowled his irritation. ‘Do not take that aggressive tone with me!’

‘Or what?’

‘What is wrong with you this morning?’ he snapped.

‘You’ve refused to give me my first cup of coffee of the day.’

Gregorio drew in a deep breath in order to hold on to his temper. ‘Only until after you have put your robe on.’

‘And I’m still waiting for the assistance you so gallantly offered.’

Gregorio ignored her sarcasm as he helped her to put her robe on. Lia was obviously spoiling for a fight this morning, and he wasn’t about to give her one.

‘Did you know that your accent gets stronger when you’re angry?’

He finished tying the robe of the belt about her waist before stepping back. ‘Then I must presume it is always stronger when I am with you.’

Lia arched a mocking auburn brow. ‘Did you just make a joke?’

‘Doubtful,’ he drawled dryly.

‘Irony is joking.’

‘Then I must make jokes all the time.’

‘When you’re with me.’ She nodded.

‘When I am with anyone.’

Lia eyed him quizzically. ‘You and your brother aren’t much alike, are you?’

He tensed. ‘In looks—’

‘Oh, I wasn’t talking about the way you

look—that’s a given,’ she dismissed without further explanation. ‘What is your youngest brother like?’

‘Alejandro is...complicated,’ he replied cautiously.

Alejandro’s problems were not discussed outside the family.

‘Like you, then.’ Lia nodded. ‘He was married, wasn’t he?’

That was part of Alejandro’s problem. And what did Lia mean by saying that he was complicated?

His life was an open book. He was a successful businessman. Wealthy. Single. He had a healthy sexual appetite, as the newspapers were so fond of reporting, and he didn’t hide the fact that he had zero patience with incompetence or triviality. Or that he was bored very easily.

Something he had certainly never been when he was with Lia...

‘You’re taking too long to answer, which probably means you aren’t going to.’ Lia sighed. ‘Can we go back to the kitchen now? The coffee is calling to me.’

Gregorio gave an exasperated laugh as he followed her out of the bedroom. ‘You are obsessed with your morning coffee!’

‘He left with a scowl on his face and returns smiling,’ Sebastien observed mockingly as Lia and Gregorio entered the kitchen together. ‘You’re a miracle-worker, Lia.’

She grimaced. ‘I think you’ll find Gregorio was laughing at me rather than with me.’

Sebastien shrugged. ‘A smile is still a smile, for whatever reason.’