She shrugs, dismissing her concern. “So back to dinner, are ya in?”

“Yep. The kids wouldn’t pass up a weekend with Heidi Jo, you know this.”

The timer on the scoreboard ticks backwards from one minute to zero quickly. Roaring screams filter into the air as the players stop mid-motion, ripping their helmets off their heads. The cheerleaders file the sideline yelling their victory cheer as the Players line up to shake hands, showing their good sportsmanship. Noticing the game is finally over, Braden races over to me, Tonka trucks in hand, prepared to blow this Popsicle stand.

Once we arrive at Carly and Colton’s we jump into preparing everything for Colton to toss on the grill while the kids play out in the backyard.

“Burgers ready for the grill?” Colton asks when he steps through the back door.

“Just a minute, baby. Almost done.” Carly calls over her shoulder. “Oh hey, did you call Luke? I can’t believe he missed the girls’ first game.”

Colton eyes me suspiciously. “No, ain’t talked to him in a few days.”

“That’s strange. Savannah call him and tell him we’re cookin’ out.” Carly says over her shoulder. I open my mouth to speak but the words hitch in my throat. My eyes flutter nervously as I try to gain my composure, but I’m not exactly sure what it is that I’m feeling. Rejection? Abandonment?

“Uhm, I called him earlier this morning before the game. His number just goes to voicemail.” I cast my eyes downward, not wanting Colton to read the storm of emotions that wash over my eyes. I wish I could slip my veil in place once more, but it shattered, leaving me naked for the world to see.

“Colton, damn it I swear to God, if you lied to me about makin’ shit right with him, I’ll permanently hang your balls up in my damn office as Home frickin’ Interior, right on display for everyone to see.” Carly shouts across the kitchen throwing a balled up dish cloth at him.

“Carly Jo, I told ya, it’s behind us. Now drop it.” He warns her, his brow cocked up high.

“Wait, what happened?” I ask curiously. Luke seemed miles away when I talked to him late Wednesday night. Did

it have something to do with Colton?

“Nothin’, just frickin’ drop it.” Colton spits in Carly’s direction, refusing to look my way.

“Ahh, you know Colton, Savannah. He’s gotta sharp tongue.” She spits, glaring at Colton. “So, when did you talk to Luke last, Colton?”

Colton scrubs his hand over his unshaven face, shaking his head angrily. “Darlin’, we done discussed this.”

“Why are y’all handlin’ me with frickin’ kid gloves?” I burst out, not realizing the bitter tone in my voice. “Seriously, I’m not gonna fall apart. Sure, everything is shit right now, but if something’s happened, just say it.” Looking from Colton to Carly I can tell something went down, they’re both just being tight lipped about it.

“I pissed him off, Savannah. Stuck my nose where it didn’t belong. But it’s over with now. Everything’s fine.”

“So where’s Luke?”

“He’s ‘round, I’m sure.” Colton nods reassuringly.

I don’t argue any further. Pissed as I may be, what’s the point in it? Luke has no obligations with me, and whatever happened between he and Colton is their business. But I can’t help but wonder if their disagreement and Luke’s sudden disappearance had anything to do with me.

A thick tension lingers in the air for the remainder of the evening. I realize I’m not much company as I stare off blankly at the wall, lost in muddled thoughts. I try to bury it all down in the back of my mind, but the worry refuses to be dismissed. Carly carries on a one-sided conversation and mindlessly I hmm or nod just to appease her. But as usual, I carry my emotions openly for everyone to see. Once everyone has eaten and I’ve helped Carly clean the kitchen back up, I load the kids into the SUV and head home.

Sweet! Another sleepless night. Screw you insomnia! Screw you! After the twins passed out while I read their bedtime story, I crept down the stairs quietly. Snatching the package of Oreos from the cabinet, I pour a small glass of milk then make my way into the living room. I flick the TV onto Friends, but mute the volume so I can hear my surroundings clearly. Picking up my kindle I open Sinner by Katheryn Kiden, so I can finish the last few chapters. This book is twisted and depraved. I clutched the cushion of the couch each time the malice villain would claim another victim to harm, then once she was revealed I quickly decided I needed a Tara in my life. You know, a psycho ruthless bitch who gets her kicks while torturing those whose sins need cleansing. I could give her a nice – yet very specific little list – by little, I mean two…I’m sure she could accommodate them nicely, in a very sadistic manner.

Lost in the story, my heart lurches into my throat when I hear the wooden planks of the porch creak. Holding my breath I listen carefully, noticing the rattle of the swing chains. My heart gallops faster and I smile to myself knowing my Luke is back. Clutching my phone in my hand, I register the time and decide to wait five minutes before going outside to see Luke. I don’t want to appear too eager – or desperate. My heart skitters out of rhythm as the minutes tick by. Dragging in a few steady breaths, I climb off the couch with my phone in hand to make my way outside. Gripping the door knob in my hand, dread blankets over me and something tells me not to open the door, but I dismiss the feeling knowing it’s just Luke. Pulling the door open smoothly, I dip my chin to my chest to hide the blush that stains my cheeks.

Taking slow steps towards the swing my eyes ascend from the wood planks coming in contact with flawless black dress shoes. I pause in my steps and my eyes flutter up swiftly landing on the sinister grin of pure evil. Scrambling backwards to get inside, my pajama pants catch on a crooked nail and I crash to the floor in a loud harrumph. I open my mouth to scream, speak, anything but the words just hang captive in my throat. Sucking back a shaky breath of terror, tears fill my eyes as Drew leans forward revealing himself to me.

“Sweet, little Savannah.” He chuckles proudly as I whimper softly. “Now, now there little Sister. No need to panic. I’ve only come to check on you and my niece and nephew. It’s been a while, wouldn’t you say?” He smirks devilishly and I can distinctly see Daddy’s face staring back at me, only younger – darker. How I’ve never noticed it before now – the distinguishing resemblance he bares to Daddy escapes me. How did I never see it?

“Why so silent, Sis? You’ve never reacted this way to my presence before. You were always Drew this, Drew that. Hell, I often thought you were my biggest fan. What’s changed?” He chuckles again, sending reverberating tremors down my spine.

“Ll-leave.” I mutter as I dig my nails down into the strong wood, trying to gain my strength to stand.

“Leave? Why Savannah, I’ve just arrived. We have a lot to discuss, so get comfortable, won’t you?” He asks, but I can tell by his tone it’s not a question, but a demand.

I steel my spine and look at him confidently, trying to mask my fear. He knows it’s there – he can see it with his eyes, smell it even. He’s like the Big Bad Wolf ready to strip me-the poor defenseless Red Riding Hood of all that I love.