“I’ve been told Josh has refused to sign the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, requesting you visit him in jail.” He states matter-of-factly. Drew’s a powerful man, it doesn’t take much to get whatever information he needs. I shake my head nervously. “I don’t think that would be very wise, Sis. Josh is uncontrollable and very dangerous. I’ll speak with James and have him see what he can do to encourage Josh to sign the divorce petition. However, I feel as if I’d be doing a great disservice as your brother by not protecting you from that sick bastard.” His right brow tips up and there it is again staring back at me, the face of my daddy – our daddy.

“Protect me?” I mumble, shocked when my voice finally breaks free. “It’s your fault, Drew, that I was subjected to that abuse. It’s your fault that my children nearly lost both of their parents.” Woah, where did you come from, Savannah? My inner voice speaks back to me and I’m as surprised as she is at my brazen statement. “So please, allow me to make it very clear that your protection is the very last thing that I need.”

Pushing up on quivering legs, I right myself, gaining a steady balance before taking small steps backwards towards the front door. Stepping across the threshold I immediately feel safer. I brace the door with my hand, slowly pushing it closed but Drew’s parting words taunt me.

“Savannah, heed my warning. I know what’s best.”

Chapter Eight

I wake with a start, my chest shaking uncontrollably with fear. My eyes scan the room quickly as I try to familiarize myself with my surroundings. This is getting old.

My eyes land on Brailee as she stands over the couch with her lips pursed together tightly, her arms crossed over her chest. Glaring at me disappointedly, she huffs out a gruff breath that blows her bangs out of her face. I smile up at her as I stretch my arms overhead, but she stares pointedly at me like I just chopped the head off her favorite Cabbage Patch doll. Sitting up, I pull the blanket around my legs and rub my face trying to wake myself up.

“Momma, we’re late.”

“Late? Late for what, Brailee?” I mutter sleepily.

“SCHOOL, Momma! Remember! It’s MONDAY!” She cried out overdramatically.

Jumping up from the couch, I stumble before gaining my balance then race up the stairs to wake Braden up. “He’s eatin’ cereal, Momma. Just hurry!” She screeches up the stairs, and although I can’t see her I know she’s tappin’ that little foot of hers. Little Miss Sass. Sweet God, she should’ve been Carly Jo’s daughter. I brush through my hair quickly then swipe at the blotchy mascara stains beneath my eyes before changing out of the pajamas I’ve been wearing since Saturday night.

Jogging down the stairs, Brailee and Braden are waiting by the front door impatiently. Without a word, I snatch the keys from the entryway table then pull the front door open slowly, peeking out before stepping onto the porch. Noticing the coast is clear, I hurry the twins out the front door then pull the door closed, locking it tightly behind me.

“Momma, you s

hould really be thinkin’ hard ‘bout an alarm clock, ya know.” Brailee tsks from the back seat.

“Brailee, you’re only twenty minutes late for school. Bein’ tardy ain’t never killed anyone, so chill out.” I warn her.

“Ain’t never killed nobody, but Mrs. Cumpton done told me that if I’m late anymore she’s takin’ my recess and that just ain’t fair!”

“Little lady, let me warn you now: if you keep up that sharp tongue you’re wielding, losing recess will be the least of your worries. Do you understand me, Brailee?”

Crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes drift into thin slits and she glowers back at me angrily. “Yes, ma’am.” She says, before muttering something else under her breath.

“Brailee, do you have something else to say?” I ask, knowing that I’ll regret hearing her answer. Brailee is never disrespectful, so something has to be gnawing at her for her to misbehave as she is.

Her nostrils flare as she exhales, her sweet delicate face distorting into the angry features her daddy wears. “I. WANT. MY. DADDY!” She grits out hatefully.

My heart stills. Approaching a broad shoulder alongside the road, I pull over slamming the SUV in park. Unlatching my seat belt I climb down from the vehicle, then open the back door in reach of Brailee. My brave little princess has held me up without faltering, lending me her strength to get through each day. To be so small, she’s a force to be reckoned with. So when her veil slips and her pain shines through, I know it’s bad. Really bad.

Releasing her seatbelt, she falls into my arms and melts against me. Her sobs are endless, dreadfully quiet and it pains me because all I can offer her is comfort. I know it’s hard for the twins to understand that one day Josh was there, the next he was gone with no hope in sight of seeing him again. I won’t make false promises that they’ll reunite with their daddy one day soon, because fact is – they won’t.

Braden unlatches his belt and wraps his arms around Brailee and me, shushing her as he pats her little shoulder. This is his moment of strength, something I’ve been praying for, but hadn’t expected to see just yet. My babies have endured too much pain in these last couple of months. I want nothing more than to shelter them from the heartache, filling them with happiness. But it all comes with time.

Brailee pulls from my hold and I brush away at the tear matted hair that’s sticking to her sweet face. Looking up at me with giant googly eyes I can see the brash of pain that swells with her tears. “I’m sorry, Momma. I just miss him.”

“I know you do, baby girl. I’m so sorry. Momma would do anything she could to take the hurt away.”

Climbing up in her seat, Brailee pulls her seatbelt over her lap and sucks back the last of her tears. “Let’s go, Momma. We’re late enough as it is. Scoot.” She says, shooing me away.

“Baby girl, are you sure you wanna go to school?”

“Daddy would tell me to go. Ain’t nothin’ I can do sittin’ at home bellyachin’ ‘bout missin’ him. So let’s go.” And her strength returns with a vengeance, almost as if it wasn’t lost at sea after all.

After dropping the twins off at school, I find myself wanderin’. I’m smotherin’ within the walls of my house. I don’t feel safe there now that I know Drew has been watching my every move. Countless nights I have felt as if a voyeur were stalking me as prey…turns out I was right. I can’t wrap my head around the deceitful game he and Josh toyed with me for years, all to gain Simon Energy.

Sliding into the cracked vinyl booth, I allow a sliver of hope to swell within me. Many times before while having lunch with Carly here at the Village Diner, Luke would make a subtle appearance – almost as if this was his second home. I know the chance encounter of him showing up today is slim, but a girl can hope.