“I’m sorry. I just really need to talk to you.” She looks up offering a small smile with a look of fear in her eyes; and that’s when I see it. “Savannah, what the hell? Why is your face bruised up?” I yell.

“What?” She asks in surprise, rubbing her hand up the side of her face, wincing in pain.

Josh releases a grumble and rolls his eyes before walking away. Savannah drops her head, her hair curtaining over her face as she closes her eyes. She’s acting so out of character. She takes a big deep breath, before addressing my question. “Oh that…Braden was vomiting in his bed this morning, and I jumped up too quickly and fell into the dresser. Hurts like a son of a bitch, that’s for sure.” She giggles nervously. “Now, what’s so important?”

I glare at her nervously and decide spitting it out quickly will be easier. “Know a good OB/GYN?” I ask quietly. She spits her tea on the counter, and stares up at me in shock. Minutes pass before a word is spoken between us. Nervous tension fills the room, as Savannah is purely in shock, and I’m just torn over it all. “Well do ya? I’m under enough pressure as it is. I just need to get seen as quickly as possible.”

“You’re pregnant?” she whispers, tears filling her green eyes to the brim.

“Apparently.” I roll my eyes, huffing loudly.

She bounces around the bar and pulls me into a tight embrace, which sends my lungs pleading for air. Her tears are falling freely now as she sniffs her snot on the shoulder of my hoodie. Thanks for that, Sis. Really. “Carly, I’m so happy for you. Have you told Colton yet? I bet he is just ecstatic!”

“He was there last night when I took the test. He is thrilled.” I tell her blandly.

“You’re not? Carly what’s wrong? You should be beaming with excitement. Hell, you’re not even glowing! Talk to me. What’s bothering you?”

“I screwed up, Savannah. I royally screwed up and I don’t know if I can fix it.”

“Okay, well, now you’re scaring me. How did you screw up? You and Colton are gonna make absolutely terrific parents.”

“What if he ain’t the daddy? What then?”

Savannah stills, and just glares at me. I chew on the inside of my lip, until I can taste the blood oozing from the bite. “Wh-what do you mean? Who else is there, Carly?” She mumbles.

“It’s a really long story, Savannah. When I broke things off with Colton after his accident, I didn’t have any other way home. It was late, so I called Luke to pick me up. When he dropped me off I didn’t want to be alone so I asked him to stay. After we started drinking one thing lead to another. I regretted it as soon as I woke up next to him the following morning.”

“Carly, this is bad. Oh my gosh I can’t even begin to tell you how bad this is!”

“Shit, like I don’t know this already!” I yell, tears falling down my face. Savannah grips my hand in hers and shushes me.

“It’s okay. I see Dr. Staton, let me call and see if I can get you an appointment. I’m sure they can work you in.” She tells me as she walks to the other side of the kitchen to get the phone.

“I already have an appointment with Dr. Staton, but they can’t see me for two weeks.”

“That’s okay. That will give you time to let it all sink in. If you can remember the last time you slept with Colton and when you slept with Luke, they may be able to sort out the daddy dilemma when they give your due date. Just don’t panic yet. Have you told Colton about Luke?

“Hell no! Why would I do that?”

“You need to be honest with him, Carly. If there is any chance of this baby being Luke’s, it could take a few months before they can run the paternity test. You can’t lead him on like that.”

“I won’t, Savannah. I just don’t know what to say. He’s gonna hate me.”

“You don’t know that and it may not even be anything to worry with. You remember when you slept with Luke, so if it’s longer than that, you’ll know the baby is Colton’s. Just don’t worry about the what-ifs just yet. Do you want me to go with you to your first appointment?”

“Thanks Savannah. I’m sure Colton will go to my first appointment with me.”

“Glad to help. Just take my advice and don’t go around sleepin’ with anyone ‘til you know who the daddy is, okay. Can you at least do that?” She asks, snickering. Great, my sister must think I’m a slut.

“Hell yeah. I plan to avoid them both like the frickin’ plague, although Colton will be a little harder to hide from than Luke.”

“Do you think the baby is Colton’s?” She ask with a hopeful look on her face.

“I’m prayin’ like hell that it is. I think the world of Luke. He is a great guy, and my best friend. But he ain’t Colton. Colton is so excited, and he wants to start telling everyone NOW. He is gonna be crushed if this ain’t his baby, Savannah. I can’t imagine shattering him like that.” I say as my eyes fill to the brim with tears.

“Don’t let your emotions get the best of you, Carly. You’ll figure all of this out. You may need to put a little distance between Colton and yourself, until you are ready to tell him about Luke.”

As bad as I hate to admit it, I think she is right. Until I’m ready to be honest with Colton about what happened with Luke, I think I need to put some space between us. Maybe then if this is Luke’s baby, it may soften the blow.