“Bad dream?” Colton says when my eyes spring open and lock onto his. Unable to find words, I simply nod, and will the tears tickling the back of my eyes to stay back. He presses a tender kiss to my temple, and tightens his grip around my waist.

“What’d you do all day?”

“Not much of anything. What time is it? I didn’t expect you to come by.”

“It’s just after noon. I was worried ‘bout ya. Wanted to see how you’re feelin’. Are ya okay, you seem really shook up?”

Damn he always sees right through me. “I’m fine, just had a bad dream.”

“Did ya get an appointment with an OB/GYN yet?”

“I did. The appointment is in two weeks.”

“Well damn. I know you want to wait to tell everyone, but Heidi Jo’s birthday is in just a few days. We gotta tell her. Can you imagine how excited she’s gonna be to be a big sister. Hell, I still can’t believe it.”

I jerk up out of his arms, horror and dread blanket my face. “Colton, we ain’t telling anyone yet, do you hear me? You promise me this stays between us until I see the doctor. I’m obviously still really early, and we ain’t jinxing this. So zip your lips. Not a damn word!”

He looks up at me under scrunched eye brows and huffs out a deep pent up breath of air. “Darlin’, I know you’re scared, but everyone is gonna be happy for us.”

“That’s not what I’m worried with. Just promise me that this is our secret, and you will wait to share the news with everyone until I say. Please, Colton. I’m a mess of nerves, and just can’t handle everyone’s looks and interrogations right now. Just let me wrap my head around everything, and once we see the baby doctor, we’ll go from there. ‘Kay?”

He scratches his head, looking away from me. He’s upset, but he’s trying to stow his anger right now. He doesn’t understand the heartache I’m carrying for me, or him. Hopefully he will never have to know. “Fine. But as soon as you see the doctor, we’re makin’ the announcement. I want everyone to know that you’re havin’ my baby.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. I guess that gives me two weeks to get my ducks in a row and figure out what the hell to do next.


“Well, I gotta get back to work. Heidi Jo has dance class later this evenin’. If I have time, I’ll stop by to check on ya. If you need anything, call me.” He says as he stands to leave.

“Thanks, Colton. I’ll be fine. Be safe.”

He pulls me into a hard deep kiss, then releases me quickly with a panting breath. He has a dark hunger in his eyes, but before he lets that hunger consume him, he turns and walks out the door without another word.

When the walls around me begin to close in, suffocating me, I decide to go for a drive. After getting dressed in some jeans, a hoodie, and my favorite Bear Claw boots, I go out into the blustery winter air. I have no destination in mind, I just need out of that damn house. Sliding behind the wheel of the Camaro, I turn the ass warmers on high, crank the stereo to an ear piercing, deafening volume and continue on my descent to wherever the hell I end up.

I drive for what feels like hours, before I end up at Savannah’s. She has been on my mind all day. Savannah lives about twenty minutes from me, so we’re close enough to be there in a flash in case of an emergency, but far enough away that we aren’t a nuisance in each other’s everyday lives.

I pull up the long, oak lined driveway that leads to her house. I am always awestruck at the beauty of the property. A white barn fence encases the twelve acre yard. To the left is the horse pasture and barn. Brailee’s pony, Buttercup is running wildly, carefree in the cold winter air. To the left is a small fishing pond, covered with a thin layer of ice. I pull up to the two story white farm house and park in the circle driveway. The porch wraps around the entire exterior and there is a porch swing in all four corners of the house with rocking chairs scattered between. I love Savannah’s home. It emanates a very charming, southern feel.

I ring the doorbell and wait. The chilly wind causes my eyes to water, and my nose to drip. I hate winter. I tighten my arms around my chest, trying to shield myself from the cold air. The front door swings open wide, and I take a step back quickly. Josh’s angry expression fades, and he musters up a small smirk.

“Savannah didn’t mention you were visiting today.” He states dryly, leaning against the door jamb.

“Just out for a drive, thought I’d stop by to check on the kids. She said Braden is sick.”

“Think that’s smart, bringin’ in germs on a sick kid, and carryin’ his out only to make you sick?” He scowls at me behind slit eyes.

“I think I’ll be just fine, Josh. But thanks for your concern.” I say stepping past him. Damn son of a bitch sure ain’t gonna invite anybody in. “So where is Savannah? I need to talk to her.”

“She’s laying down. She told you on the phone today wasn’t a good time for your shit. And I don’t remember inviting you in.” He says crossing his thick arms across his chest.

“You didn’t. I invited myself in. But thank you for the warm welcoming! Now, could ya scoot on up the stairs, and wake her up? I need to have a little chat with her if ya don’t mind.” I say sweetly, my voice laced with honey.

Josh and I don’t talk, ever. We never have really. He’s always cold and harsh. First class prick if ya ask me. He scowls at me briefly then stomps up the stairs. I make my way to the kitchen and help myself to a glass of sweet tea. Taking a seat at the bar, I look around the pristine kitchen. Every appliance is in its place, the stainless steel refrigerator shines brightly, free of tiny fingerprints that one would usually expect to see. The pots and pans all hang neatly from the ceiling and the curtains over the sink are each pressed to perfection. Damn, and I thought I had cleaning issues.

I’ve drank about half of the sweet tea in my glass before Savannah walks into the kitchen.

Her a-line bob frames her apple cheeks. She looks worn and tired. I stand to hug her but she flinches when I wrap my arms around her shoulders. “Glad to see ya, Sis. But I told ya today wasn’t a good day.” She says pouring herself a glass of sweet tea, eyeing Josh who is standing in the door watching us.