Page 19 of Commit To Violence

"You got it."

"By the way, lotta cars in here," Nick said and took a step closer to Bo.

"Yeah," Bo said.

"Lot more than usual."


"So I guess I’ll see Hank tomorrow sometime?"

"Yeah, Nick, you’ll get yours," Bo said and took a step back.


Nick turned and started walking away. Rain stepped up to Bo. "Good to see you niggas," she said and walked away laughing.

"Yeah, mutha fucka. You gonna get yours. Count on that," Bo said.

"How he find out about this shit?" Hank asked.

Bo turned and looked at Hank. "How you think he found out. One of these niggas talkin’." Bo looked around the garage at his men. "Don’t matter," he said as he watched Nick and Rain leave the building.

"What you wanna do?" Hank asked.

"Get the rest of the cars loaded up and let’s get outta here."

"I mean about Nick?"

"I’m gonna have to kill him," Bo said and went back in his office.

Having accomplished his purpose, Nick walked back to his car. Once he and Rain had driven a little ways, Rain asked a question. "How’d you know Bo had something big goin’ tonight?"

"You don’t know?"

"No. How you know?"

"I know everything," Nick said and smiled at her.

No you don’t, nigga. Your ass don’t know every fuckin’ thing, Rain thought and smiled back. There was a lot going on in Rain’s life that Nick didn’t know about. Most of it, Rain knew she needed to tell him about. She looked at Nick and knew that this was not the time to tell him about her problems.

"What’s up with you and Bo anyway?" Rain asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it’s obvious that you don’t like him, and that mutha fucka hates you."

"Two things."

"What’s that?"

"He blames me for Freeze," Nick said.

The truth was Nick wasn’t mad that they blamed him for Freeze’s death, because he blamed himself. They were both caught off guard when Mylo went for his gun. "How come he still had his gun," was the question Bo shouted at Nick at Freeze’s funeral, and Bobby had to separate them.

Nick asked himself over and over, why didn’t they take the gun from Mylo when they caught up to him? There was only one answer to that question: They both got careless; a mistake that cost Freeze his life.

Why did I let him get away? Why didn’t I shoot Mylo? Why didn’t I go after him? All Nick could think of at that moment was that he couldn’t leave Freeze. He had to get help for him. "Somebody call an ambulance!" But it was too late. Freeze was dead before they got to the hospital.